Chapter nine

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Chapter nine
louis' pov
I was shaken awake by a frantic harry,
"louis, louis t-there is someone k-knocking at the d-door, Louis what we do?"
"it's probably just Liam, Niall or zayn" I answered as I pulled the sheets off my body. I then heard a loud knock. Harry ears disappeared into his hair,
"Wait here in case its someone else okay?" I told harry
harry frantically nodded.
I pulled on a pair of sweats and some random tee-shirt that was on the floor, when another knock came from the door this time louder and longer.
I opened the door too expect Liam or Niall and zayn, not some massive muscly guy in a suit,
"um can I help you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"As a matter of fact you can" the guy said digging in his pocket pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me. I unfolded it not really sure what I expected to be printed on it but I defiantly wasn't expecting a picture of harry without his cat ears with the words 'missing' printed at the bottom.
"w-what is this?" I asked trying to keep calm,
"the boy disappeared from a hospital not too far from here yesterday, he's only 17 and his parents are very worried about his wellbeing, so on behalf of his parents and the hospital I'm handing these posters out to see if people have seen him" the man said, clearly lying.
"Well I'm sorry to disappoint you I haven't seen him" I said getting rally fed up with this guy's bullshit. I was about to shut the door on him but the guy stopped the door with his foot,
"if you see him be careful, he's dangerous" he walked away after that.
I shut the door before turning around only to be met the green eyes of harry,
"t-they are looking for m-me" he said with his eyes watering.
"Yeah they gave me this" I said showing him the paper that the guy had handed.
Harry let out a gasp before bursting into tears,
"y-you can n-not let t-them get h-harry" he flung himself at me letting out a sob.
"I won't, I won't let them get you harry I promise" I reassured running my fingers through the boys hair.
"h-harry cant g-go back, t-they will h-hurt h-harry again" he wailed hot tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I won't harry, I won't let them take you back you're safe here"
"I promise"
After that little episode in the hallway harry had been clinging to me ever since. It scares me how much this boy trusts me.
The boy was now sitting at the table in the kitchen trying to figure out how to eat his coco pops with a spoon. I made myself a bowl and sat down opposite the boy,
"like this harry"
I dug my spoon into the bowl before bringing it to my mouth. Harry then copied my actions spilling a couple on his lap before smiling at his accomplishment.
"I did it" he exclaimed.
After harry had devoured three bowls of coco pops we both went into the living room and at harry request we watched all the Disney movies we watched last night. Harry was once again fascinated with beauty and the beast and wanted to watch it again, and who was I to deny the green eyes kitten eared boy. It wasn't until the film had finished for the second time that I remembered what the man at the door had said this morning.
"Harry the man at the door this morning mentioned something about a family, do you have a family?" I asked. Harry's ears dropped and his tail wrapped around his waist.
"I did" he muttered.
"What happened to them?" I asked.

Harry's pov (gasp)
for some reason I felt safe with louis even though I didn't know him that well. He had taken me to his house when he could have just left me, he comforted me when I need it, he showed me now things and didn't get mad at me. Louis house was nice and warm and I could do what I wanted and I didn't have to stay in a cage. The knocking on the door woke me up but Louis told me it's okay. But the man at the door I knew him, his name is Eric, he was the one of the works back at the lab, he'd been there since I was first taken there in fact he was the one who had taken me from my family. And now Louis asking about my family made me remember.
9 years ago
it was just after lunch and I was playing with my sister when there was a knock at the door that my mum answered.
"Harry can you come here for a minute?" she called out to me
when I got to the door there was a strange man standing there handing my mum loads of money. I smiled because we have never had a lot of money, but my mum wasn't smiling, she was crying.
"Mummy why are you crying?" I asked innocently
she crouched down to my level,
"harry, darling I love you so much okay? I don't want you to forget that, ever" she said as she brought me into a hug.
"I love you too mummy, is that why you are crying because you love me?"
"yes, yes darling that's why I'm crying because I love you" she sobbed into my shoulder.
The strange man the coughed.
My mum then pulled back,
"harry darling, you need to go with this man now" she said still crying.
I frowned, I didn't want to go with him, I wanted to stay here with my sister and my mummy and daddy.
"But I don't want to mummy" I said.
"Honey, you have to" she said.
She then nodded to the man and he then grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from my mum. He carried me to a black van, while my mummy watched from the doorway sobbing. I was then shoved into the back of the van. I screamed and screamed, I screamed until my throat was dry and my lungs burnt, but it was no use. My mummy wasn't coming to get me. And that was my first taste of the tortured life I was going to live.

Louis pov
I watched as Harry's face paled and tears welled in his eyes before he let out a sob launching himself at me. Obviously his family was a sensitive subject.
"Common harry its late, let's get to bed" I said before picking him up and carrying him to my room. he can sleep with me tonight, he need comforting.

The ending is kinda shit and rushed, sorry 😐
Also double update, whaaaat??

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now