Chapter fourteen

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Chapter fourteen
louis' pov
As soon as we got back into my apartment harry ripped of his beanie flinging it across the floor. He then proceeded to walk into the living room and flung himself face first onto the sofa with a small huff.
"What's wrong kitten?" I asked walking to the sofa
harry turned around so he was facing me,
"I have not seen you all day, I was sad without you"
"aw kitten did you miss me?" I asked reaching out to stroke his hair
as expected harry let out purr, while nodding and curled up against my thigh resting his head on my stomach.
"Do you not like Liam and Sophia?" I asked
"I do, Liam is nice even though he did give me those stiches and they did hurt, but he is nice. And Sophia is nice to and very pretty too" he purred out.
I felt a pang of jealousy when he said that was Sophia was pretty, even though she obviously was anyone could see that.
"You think Sophia is pretty?" I questioned out of jealousy, moving my hand from his hair to his ears rubbing small circles with the pad of my thumb.
Harry nodded closing his eyes and began to purr louder,
"But you are prettier"
harry then nudged my shirt up, tucking his head under the fabric and began to rub his cheek against my skin like he had done before. I felt his soft velvety ears brush against my skin making my stomach flutter. He continued to rub his cheek against my stomach a couple of times adding little licks here and there just like he did last time. His fingers found the waistband of my pants again and he hooked his fingers over the top of the waistband, I was convinced he was going to bury his fingers deeper, but to my surprise he left them just hooked over the top. He then settle his head down on my stomach still purring loudly.
"You are always so warm" the boy purred out
I let out a little giggle at what he said,
"Am I?"
he let out a hum and I felt him nodding his head,
"and soft too, that is why I like your tummy, it is both warm and soft"
"really, is that why?" I asked looking down
"yes, and I like your laugh" he said cutely wrapping his tail around my thigh.
I felt my cheeks heat up slightly at the kitten boy's comment, no matter how innocent it was.
"Thank you, I like your eyes"
he pulled his head out from under my shirt and looked at me, placing both his hands on my chest.
"My eyes?" he questioned
"yes, they are a beautiful shade of green"
his eyes widened and he let out a small
"did you eat at Liam's kitten?"
harry shook his head.
"okay lets got some food"
After we had eaten we watched beauty and the beast. Harry requested to take a shower after that so I let the boy do as he pleased. I went to bed while harry showered, but it wasn't long before I felt the bed dip and a warm, slightly damp, body press up against mine. I placed a small kiss on the boys nose, which made him giggle and snuggle himself into my chest more before drifting off to sleep.
Harrys pov
I ran down the white walled corridor. The piece of glass I was holding from the door I had broken was cutting into my hand letting the crimson liquid run down my hand and drip onto the floor. Alarms were blaring and I could hear men shouting from behind me. I had to escape now. I looked behind to see the men close behind. I turned the corner and was met with one of the guards. He launched himself at me attempting to catch me, but I dug the piece of glass into the side of his stomach and he doubled over in pain letting me run past him. I was then met with another guard but I was quicker to react, launching myself at him and biting deep into his neck. I bit into the flesh and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth. And god did it taste good. The man let out a scream and fell to the ground, unconscious or dead I simply didn't care. I need to move fast. More men in white are coming, I could hear people yelling at other people to find me, they'd give me no sympathy if they did. I was there precious little experiment, they needed me, without me there was no them. One of the men in white come out of nowhere holding a syringe. I knew what that was. I reached for the fire extinguisher that was placed on the wall behind me and slammed it down onto his head as hard as I could. He dropped the syringe before falling backwards still slightly conscious. I grabbed the syringe and jabbed it into his neck, watching as the liquid drained into his neck. The man fell to the ground, probably dead. I dropped the fire extinguisher and grabbed the key card that was hung loosely around his neck. I hid. Then ran. I had to stab more people with the piece of glass, probably killing them, but I didn't care, I had suffered enough for them to care about them. I came to a door and jammed the card key into the sensor. The door opened. I ran. That's all I could do. My lung where screaming for oxygen and my legs ached. Each step getting heavier, but I had to keep going. The men in white coats here still coming after me, to take me back. Mud was splattered up my legs and my bare feet where cold and cut from funning, each step was pure agony. The mud made it harder for me to run. It was like everything was agents my escape. My ears had disappeared into the mass of curls out of terror and were stuck flat on the top of my head and my tail hung loosely not helping me run at all. I ran through trees and bushes. Each branch seemed to scratch as I ran past. The men in white seemed to get further away. I was almost free.
I awoke with a gasp and sat up abruptly. Tears burned in my eyes and I felt them slowly roll down my cheeks. I was surrounded by darkness but the smell of Louis reassured me that I was safe and that my dream was only a dream. The nightmare of how I escaped the men in white. I let out a sob and reached blindly for Louis, but was met with nothing but cold empty sheets. I searched frantically around the bed for Louis but all I could find was the same cold empty sheets. Another sob escaped my lips as I realised that Louis wasn't here. Louis had gone.

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now