Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen
Liam's pov
I was awaken by my phone going off. Sophia punched me in the arm,
"your phone is going off"
"yeah I know I can hear it"
"then answer it you dickhead, its way to early" she mumbled before turning around.
I answered my phone,
"Liam" a Doncaster accent said
"louis you better be dying to be calling me at... I looked at the clock on the bedside table,
"half past seven in the morning"
"I forgot to ask you yesterday, can harry come to you during the week I have to work? You still only work weekends don't you?"
"yeah, yeah I still only work weekends"
"great, so I can bring harry round then?" Louis asked again
"yeah sure mate"
"okay well be round in about 10 minutes" he said before hanging up.
Over the time I had gotten use to Louis' abrupt departures. I rolled over hugging Sophia from behind and poking her cheek,
"Soph, we need to get up Louis' bringing harry round while he goes to work"
"I don't wanna" she said childishly turning her head to look at me.
"Well you have too" I said getting out of bed and ripping the covers off with me.
Sophia let out a squeal and curled up in a little ball glaring at me,
"I don't like you anymore"
"okay that's great but you still have to get up" I sassed back
"what time are they coming?" she asked sitting up rubbing her eyes
"um, in like 5 minutes" I said looking at the clock.
"Why do they have to come so early?" she asked pouting
"because louis has to be at work early"
Sophia flopped forwards with a groan.
"Well your awake now" I said to her
"yeah only because of you" she said sitting back up and glaring at me.
"But you love me" I said smiling at her
"you're lucky I do" she hummed
At that point the doorbell went off signifying that Louis had arrived with harry
"are you gunna get or am I?" Sophia asked
"I'll get it while you get up"
"okay I'm gunna brush my teeth"
"okay" I said placing a kiss on her lips before running of to answer the door as the doorbell went off again.
I opened the door to find a very sleepy looking harry dressed in a pair navy blue sweat pants and a cream jumper that I recognised as the one I git louis last year for Christmas and a grey beanie placed in his head hiding his ears. Louis then ushered harry into the room closing the door with his foot. I noticed right away how close harry was standing to Louis.
"I'm running a bit late, I didn't set my alarm last night"
much to my surprise harry also spoke up,
"I was also slow e-eating coco p-pops"
"nah it's okay love, it was mostly because my alarm didn't go off" louis said plucking the beanie off of Harry's head making his ears pop up.
"Yeah well you're going to be even later if you don't get going" I said raising an eyebrow at Louis.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm going" Louis said ruffling Harry's hair and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I'll be back at five" Louis said to no one in particular as he walked back out the door.
After Louis left harry lifted his shirt to reveal a white bandage that wrapped around his torso holing his tail to his back.
"W-will you help m-me get it o-off, Louis t-tied it a-at the b-back" he asked looking at me this innocent eyes.
"Sure" I replied, standing behind him to untie the knot that Louis had tied. When he was free from the bandage he trudged over to the sofa and curled up against the arm, bringing his knees to his chest and wrapping his tail around himself purely out of comfort. Sophia came into the living room then, with her hair tied up in a messy bun and one of my hoddies on.
She looked at harry,
"so it was them then?"
"yeah, who else could it have been?" I asked in slight confusion
"I don't know it could have been anyone" she said walking into the kitchen.
"You want be to make you some toast and some tea" Sophia called out from in the kitchen
"please babe"
"harry you want anything?" I asked
the boy shook his head from the sofa.
"Okay then, if you need anything just ask"
harry nodded his head.
I then disappeared into the kitchen to find Sophia buttering four pieces of toast.
"You want anything on it" she asked turning her head.
"No thanks babe" I replied wrapping my arms around her from behind.
"So what happened with harry? I remember you telling me about him the first night louis called you, but do we know anything more about him?" Sophia asked taking a bite of her toast.
"I don't really know to be honest, I don't think Louis knows much either, other than his name is harry, he's seventeen, and louis asked if he had a family but he just broke down, oh and some guy came to his door asking if he had seen harry saying that he had escaped from the hospital"
"but you work at the hospital" Sophia said frowning a little
"yeah I know that's why we think he's lying"

After that Sophia took a shower and I got dressed while harry slept in the sofa. Harry woke up once during the day only to eat lunch, but went back to sleep pretty much after that. The day was pretty uneventful until to doorbell went off. Sophia frowned,
"it's not five yet so it can't be Louis"
"maybe its Niall and josh" I said equally as confused.
"I'll go see" she said before answering the door.
I could hear someone's voice then Sophia's voice but I couldn't hear what they were saying.
A couple minutes later I heard the door slam shut and Sophia walked back into the living room with a piece of paper in her hands,
"who was it?" I asked
"I think it was the same guy that asked louis about harry" she said dropping the piece of paper on my lap
"what did you say?" I asked with wide eyes
"I said that I hadn't seen him but I will contact him I did"
"okay that's good"
"louis should be back soon" she said sitting next to me.
"Yeah he should"

Just a Sophia predicted Louis arrived not even five minutes later and as soon as Louis said one word Harry's head had snapped up and he pounced on Louis.
"I missed you" he exclaimed hugging Louis wrapping his tail around his thigh.
"I missed you too kitten" Louis said placing a kiss on the boy lips making harry squeak.
My eyes widened at the gesture,
"wait, have I missed something?" I asked
"oh yeah, me and harry are kinda like sorta together now" Louis said sheepishly
"since when!" I exclaimed
"s-since yesterday" harry replied for Louis.
"That's amazing!" I exclaimed hugging them both.
Anyone could clearly see that they were both smitten for each other.
They both left after that.
I sat back down on the sofa where Sophia straddled me tracing my collarbones with her index finger,
"why don't we head to bed?" she questioned
"it's a little early to sleep don't you think?" I said
"I'm not thinking about sleeping, Liam"
"oh" I said
"oh" I said again when I realise what she meant
"last one to the bedroom has to wash the dishes" I dared
she looked at me for a couple of seconds before shooting up of my lap
"you better get your washing up gloves on Liam" she called while running out of the living room.
I let out a laugh before chasing after her.

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