Chapter one

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The innocence of green eyes
Chapter one
Louis PVO
I stormed out of my parent's house making sure to slam the door hard, something my mother always hated, and marched across the garden and down the steps to where my car was parked neatly in the drive way. I heard my step mum open the door and the sound of her heels quickly making their way towards me.
"Louis. Louis" she called out as I continued to walk towards my car.
"Louis, stop, don't you think you're overreacting" she shouted out to me.
I stopped walking abruptly and turned around, glaring at her.
"You think I'm overreacting!" I yelled at her.
"Well yes, I think-
"No! No I'm not" I interrupted her.
"Well if you just listen to me- she began, but I yet again cut her off.
"No, I've been listening to you ever since my dad married you, its time you listen to me now" I began
"I don't want to be a another clone of you or dad, I don't want to take over the family business, I don't want to be stuck in some office seven days a week doing some job that I hate for some company that I hate and I've told you that before. I don't want that, I want to just be Louis and to do what I want." I yelled, almost crying at the end.
You see, my parents and I had had yet another argument about my future. While they wanted me to take over the family business, working at as a solicitor, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted to be something small and simple but something I loved all the same, a drama teacher. While I was at UNI I had signed up for extra drama classes and absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the freedom of it all, being able to change who you are, even if it's just for a couple of short minutes, getting to know a different character becoming that character. The teacher thing was easy for me, growing up being the eldest of five, I had a massive soft spot for children and teaching them something I love would only be a dream come true. But of course my dad wasn't too pleased to find out about my new plan to ditch the family business and to fulfil my dreams, and of course I was the one being selfish.

My step mum was about to say something when my dad came out if the door.
"Louis you're acting like child right now" my father said a bit too calmly.
"you really need to get over this stupid teacher obsession, that's not what you really want and you know it."

I let out a throaty chuckle, shaking my head and Turing around and taking my car key out of my back pocket, unlocking it and getting into the front seat, shutting the door and turning the engine on. The car roared into life drowning out the sound of my parents. I pulled out of their drive way as fast as I could and onto the country road that I knew all too well. My hand were griping the steering wheel, turning white at the knuckles I could feel my heart still pounding in my chest, still fuelled with adrenaline. I didn't see the boy in the middle of the road. I didn't see him until it was almost too late. I slammed on the breaks and the wheels screeched along the black tarmac of the road, probably leaving thick black marks. I was centimetre's from hitting him when my car stopped. He didn't jump out of the way, or even flinch, he just kept his head down his hair covering his face. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, and looked down at my hand that where now shaking, then back up to the boy and beeped my horn at him. All of a sudden his head snapped up and I was looking into these innocent green eyes.

Sorry if this chapter is Is a bit short they will get longer I promise 🙏

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now