Chapter four

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Chapter four
Louis POV
Harry. The boy's name was harry. Somehow it oddly suited him. I looked to the boy who although was still curled in on himself was now sitting in the passenger seat next to me, curiously watching the other cars as we drove down the main road, occasionally his ears twitching.

"They said I needed a pretty name for a pretty boy" he muttered quietly
"Who's they?" I questioned while pulling of the main road and onto the city road that would take me home. I didn't disagree with them, from what I could see he was very pretty.
"The men that wore white coats" he managed to stutter out quietly as he pulled his arms tighter around his legs. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes again. The rest of the ride was silent except from the occasional squeaking hiccupping sound from harry.

I pulled into the car park of the apartment, and noticed that my flatmates car wasn't there. He must have gone to visit his girlfriend. I parked my car not so neatly, half on the curb half off, and cut the engine off.
The sound of the engine bring cut off caused harry to look up from where he had buried his head between his knees. He looked at me with wide scared eyes.
"Why are we here" he said so quietly I almost couldn't hear him.
"This is where I live" I replied. Harry began to shrink down in the seat again, and looked up at the building.
"Its so big and scary looking" he muttered quietly, his ears disappearing. He wasn't wrong either the block of flats that I lived in had over 200 apartments'.
"it looks like where I use to live" he paused then looked at me
"please don't sent me back there" he said desperately looking at me with pleading eyes. My thoughts about harry running away had now been conformed and wherever 'there' was he certainly didn't want to go back.
"I won't, I promise" was all I said back to him.

I climbed out of my car, walked around the front to Harry's side and opened his door. He looked up at me with big innocent eyes.
"You have to get out go in" I said. Harry nodded, going to move but winced and let out a hiss noise again. I then remembered all the blood and a gasp escaped my lips, the boy must be hurt or injured or something! I looked at the boy who was now struggling to get up.
"Wait" I shouted a bit too loudly, as his head snapped up and fear pooled in his green eyes
"I'm s-sorry, please d-don't hurt m-me" harry wailed tears already spilling from his eyes and rolling down his cheeks.
"No, no, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm sorry I yelled I didn't mean to" I rushed out in a panic
"you're hurt and I forgot about that and I'm sorry, I will help you" I continued softly, placing a hand on his knee. He let out a small scream like noise and flinched away, curling into himself even more. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot how the hell am I going to get him inside now I thought to myself.
I looked down at him again, I have to get him inside somehow, I doubt he would let me go near him now, if I tried to carry him he will either scream in terroir or he will lash out at me and scratch me again. I sighed, the only way I was going to get him in the building was to carry him.

I bent down wrapping my arms around his waist and under the back of his knees and carefully lifted him out of my car. To my surprise harry wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck and wrapping his legs around my waist and clinging onto me like his life depended on it.
"h-harry is s-sorry, h-harry was b-bad but h-harry is s-sorry, p-please d-don't hurt h-harry." He wailed into my neck, I could feel his tears drip onto my neck. I rubbed little circles on his back trying to comfort him, after all it was my fault he was like this, if I hadn't of accidently yelled at him we wouldn't be in this situation.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I promised remember? I'm sorry I yelled but you were struggling to get up, and I was worried that you would get hurt" I whispered softly in his ear.
Harry sniffed and lifted his head from my shoulder. His eyes were once again bloodshot and his cheeks tearstained and blotchy.
"You are n-not mad at h-harry?" he asked with innocent eyes.
I shook my head in response.
"And y-you are n-not going t-to punish h-harry?" he asked again in a small voice.
"Why would I punish you?" I asked.
"B-because harry w-was bad?" he said quietly, his ears disappearing again and tears falling from his eyes.
"Harry, I'm not mad at you, I'm sorry that I yelled at you I panicked, okay. And you weren't bad, not at all, and you aren't going to be punished, ever."
He looked at me with the innocence flooding back into his eyes.
"Ever?" he questioned.
"Never ever" I answered shaking my head a little.
Harry smiled a little and rested his head back on my shoulder, and whispered two words that I didn't expect to hear.
"Thank you"

The innocence of green eyes - Larry stylinson (hybrid!harry)Where stories live. Discover now