dream marionette

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a/n: this quirk was "given" to me by the absolutely lovely Soramuthesimp who originally made this quirk for their oc but said i could feel free to put it here :))

Dream Marionette allows you to create transparent strings that, when they wrap around someone or something, can control them.
This ability is very similar to a Marionette/Puppeteer Quirk, and that's because Marionette/Puppeteer's is one of this Quirk's ancestors.

The strings that you can create are so small they are invisible to the naked eye, but you (as the user if this Quirk) can see them perfectly fine. Because the strings are so small, they break easily unless trained to become stronger.

Some people even refer to these strings as 'Ghost Strings' because they can't see them or know where they are until they though the person.

Another ancestor of this Quirk is Dream Demon, which means that this Quirk inherited some of it's abilities.
You can enter others people's dreams and stay there until you are spotted (you'll be sent back to the real world if this happens). After doing that, you can transform your appearance into that of a person you saw in someone's dream.

One of Dream Demon's other attributes that was inherited was the change in physical appearance.
From a young age, goat horns will be growing on the user's head, along with their tongue slowly morphing itno more of a snake-like shape and their teeth turning into sharp canine ones.

This Quirk relies heavily on stamina, so if you don't have lots of it you're going be in big trouble. Even if you have lots of stamina you're often going to have to rely on caffeine to keep you energized, or even awake.

Another drawback of this Quirk is that you often have terrible dreams and trouble sleeping after you enter someone's dream.

When you exit someone's dream (wether it be forcefully or not), you're gonna be dizzy and disoriented for a while.

HERO NAME IDEAS: Dream Dancer, Watcher, Devil's Dream


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