lost 'n found

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In short, you can find lost objects. Doesn't matter if you've never seen it in your life, you'll still find it.

To do that though you need a description of the object. The description can be as vague as possible but it's best if it's more detailed since it narrows down the amount of lost items by a big amount.

When you're done with describing whatever the lost items is you'll be seeing arrows similar to quest arrows in videogames point to different directions of lost items.

Now you can go look for your phone and not have to spend literal hours looking for it!!

Downfalls are headaches and nosebleeds caused by the quest arrows. The more arrows there is, the stronger the headache/the more blood comes out of your nose.

Also, I forgot to mention but you can also find people. The process is still the same except you're finding a person instead of an object.

Locator, Map, Arrow etc.


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