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On January 1st, 1993 a healthy baby girl was born in Port-au-Prince the capital of Haiti. The woman who birthed her died shortly after only leaving her the name Angel Anaïca Augustin and was left in the care of one of the country's many orphanages.

 I lived in the slums for 12 years fighting for food, stealing from tourists, and avoiding falling into the nightlife and crime. Until a lottery for US citizenship was funded by the US Government and The Wayne Foundation to let one lucky child have a chance for a better life. Out of 7,000 orphans, my name was called from the pot. 

So for the past 3 years, I have been living with Pa and Ma François in New Orleans' French Quarter. They are a nice elderly couple with an antique shop, a dog, a snake, and a raven for pets (strange right?). I've learned a lot of things moving to America; English, how to fish, Coding, marksmanship, camping, appraising, Piano, History, Chemistry, Basketball, and that Daniel( that's the dog's name) is a literal psychopath but he's my psychopath.

 Life was simple until December 31st, 2008 New years Eve and the day before I turned 16. I was technically on winter break but still had training for basketball (I'm on the team) so after coming home I found Esther and Kanga (the snake and raven) screeching and hissing at something or someone. Silly me decide to investigate and BAM! Stabbed in the gut by a shmuck burglar. I "died" that day and no not some drastic personality change bullshit. I actually died heart stopped beating, my brain stopped braining, and my lungs stopped breathing. Ma found me in the kitchen with a knife in the stomach cleaning up a pool of my own blood with her good mop. Needless to say, we were all surprised Pa and Ma think it's there's some sorta of voodoo magic on the knife but I think it's a little bit more than that.

 Needless to say, we were all surprised Pa and Ma think it's there's some sorta of voodoo magic on the knife but I think it's a little bit more than that

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Name: Angel Anaïca Augustin

Sex: Female

Age: 16

DOB: 01/01/1993


EC: Electric Blue

Traits: Ambivert, Has a slight accent, and can speak Creole, French, English, and Spanish

Powers: Undead, Can't feel pain, is able to heal and regrow any part of the body, Super Enhanced Body (i.e. Very strong, super flexible, etc.), Phasing or Ghost Mode, Electric powers, Voodoo magic, Can talk to animals, and Shapeshifting (snake, spider, raven, and Dog)

Weakness: Sunlight (her eyes have become very sensitive to bright light so she wears sunglasses) and Stupidity ( when she gets too worn out she'll go brain-dead until she regains energy) 

Likes: Learning, Computers, History, Suits, Ski masks, music, Poetry, Band class, Science,fishing, boating, shooting, Steak Sandwiches, and art

Dislikes: Shmucks, two-year old's, sunlight, Goodwill trash bins, Sedans, and Goats

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