hanging out with my pal

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Bakugou was excited. He got to hang out with his buddy today.

(Y/n) was nervous. They got to hang out with their buddy today.

What will they do? Who will they meet? Will they exchange phone numbers and a certain someone be revealed quicker than wanted? Let's find out.

The school day was dull, as usual. Aizawa explained the rules of the overnight trip: 4 days, 3 nights. Meant for training and bonding (and bondage 😉😉 because of the quirk get it do you get it DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY JOKE) and etc. Normal shit. Class 2B was going to be very mixed in with 1B which was good news for (Y/n), bad for everyone else. Because people don't understand Monoma and his class like WE DO!!!!!

And soon enough, the end of the day was here. Bakugou made his way to (Y/n)'s desk, smiling slightly at the sight of them chatting it UP with Jirou, talking about Taylor Swift or something.

"I'm telling you, the original Enchanted will NEVER!!!!!!!!!! be beaten. Even by herself."

"It's a re-release nonetheless, we gotta support! I bet it'll be even better than before!"

"How much you wanna bet?"


The two friends slowly looked up at the frowning boy.

"Let's roll."

"Chicka Chika oh no 🙈"


Bakugou led the way down the street, (Y/n) trailing behind ever so slightly.

"Baku, where the freak are we going?"

"You'll see."



"Tell me something nobody knows about you."

Bakugou raised an eyebrow as he turned to his compainion, who was looking at him interestingly. Kinda like a hopeful puppy. Or rat.

"Hmm. Why?"

"Because I don't have my we're not really strangers deck, DUH."

"Fair... okay. Nobody knows...."

Think, idiot! Nothing too scary but nothing too stupid. But also keep trying to suss them out that you know it's them!

"Nobody knows I love ping pong."


He looked behind him at his companion, who had clapped a hand to their mouth in shock.

"Oh my fucking- literally drown. Leave me alone if you're gonna laugh."

"Im sorry!!! I just didn't expect it!"

"You go. What's something about you nobody knows."

"Hmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔.... nobody knows I read x reader fanfiction."

"Not surprised. Because you're... lonely?"

(Y/n) didn't expect Bakugou to stop when he said that, and certainly didn't expect to crash into him as he turned around at the word 'lonely.'

Ahh shit.

"No I'm not. Where are we going?"

"We're here, actually."

They looked up and read the sign for the building.

"A thrift shop? Didn't strike me as the type, Bakuboy," they teased as they leaned towards him.

"You dumb bitchhhh," he said as he pushed their face away. "It's not for me. It's for you."

They were surprised at that.



They looked back at the building, mannequins in fun outfits lined the front windows, and the sound of The Smiths could be heard from the inside just outside the door.

"Let's go in. Like rn."

"Fine by me," Bakugou mumbled as he strutted 💅 up ☝️ to the door and held it open.

They walked in, a smile overtaking their face.

The hour of trying on clothes, making cute outfits for Bakugou to wear, Bakugou getting pissed OFF about the cute af outfits, and actually okay conversation went by quickly. And the best fucking part? Bakugou PAID FOR THE SHIT BRO.

"Thank you again for paying man, are you sure you don't want me to pay you back even a little bit? It'll make me feel better at least, that was like a lot of money..."

"No 😡"

"Bruh pleaseee"

"No 🤬🫵❌"

(Y/n) suddenly gasped.

"OMFG my parents‼️ Please don't have texted please don't kill me...."

Their face dropped.

"I have to go. Like right now, I'm sorry I wish I could stay-"

"It's fine," Bakugou... smiled? "Let me walk you back."

"Oh, no that's fine. It's far away-"

"No it's not," he got quieter. "For you, it's never too far."

Their mouth hung open, only for a second, before they regained their composure.

"Oh. Sure, alright. Then fine, if I can't convince you otherwise."

"You can't."


And so, they speed walked back home, Bakugou carrying most of the stuff. How polite.

They approached (Y/n)'s house after only 10 minutes (it's normally a 30 min walk so speedy 😳😳😳,) and they turned to their companion with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Bakugou. For everything."

He studied their face. They were close.

Kiss them!

He got closer-

And they did not.

(Y/n) grabbed their bags, turned around and unlocked the door and stepped inside the house.

"See ya, Baku-bra!"

And they slammed the door shut.

You dumb little boy.

Bakugou left and walked home very quickly, eager to sleep for the rest of the afternoon, night, and life to forget that cute little experience.

But silly Bakugou, you have school in the morning! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

The alarms the next day were the harsh reminder of that fact.


Today he would get the guts to approach (Y/n) and tell them what he knew. He simply had to.



I'm not telling you guys that yet 😏

hey friends. missed y'all, love y'all. school is terrible. i hope you guys are having a good year. goodnight 😴
-your bestie

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