oh no! our sanity! it's broken!

887 27 17

Time: 2:12 am (a few days after the call)

katy perry's song firework
who are you

not telling

katy perry's song firework
fuck you

katy perry's song firework
i wanna keep playing 20 questions then
i have 15 questions left

bakugou i have school tomorrow i'm tired :(
i'll let you do 5 questions

katy perry's song firework
favorite song?

lmfao want the short or long answer

katy perry's song firework
i don't care

i don't have a favorite song
i have songs that play on repeat in my mind for days and then it'll switch

katy perry's song firework
then what's on your mind rn idiot

tv girl's not allowed 😋🤩

katy perry's song firework
mine is love story by taylor swift
rerelease version ofc gotta support our queen

i did not expect that

katy perry's song firework
gotta expect the unexpected 🥶😈💪💯

okay 🧍🧑‍🦯

katy perry's song firework
what's your favorite memory from school

ooooh i hate you sometimes

katy perry's song firework
only sometimes? progress ig


katy perry's song firework

it's my favorite memory
i was with my friends and we got to go outside for a break and i just ran ahead of everyone and felt..
free ig
sorry it's late i get all emotional after 12 i gotta go gn katslutski

katy perry's song firework
goodnight stupid bitch ig
read 2:26 am

katy perry's song firework
my favorite memory is when i finally got full points at finals
nobody else did as well as me not even the hot glasses nerd and green haired nerd and respectfully big tiddies nerd
that's what it felt like to be the actual best

Bakugou set his phone down after looking over what he wrote. He lied. He had three memories that he cherished the most. Three he would never share with anyone. One was when Stupid Fucking Deku finally beat him on a one-on-one spar with his new tentacle power. The other was when he and the rest of the idiots that follow him around went to Olive Garden- nothing particularly interesting happened, but it was nice to have actual friends for once. The final memory would absolutely go with him to his grave. The night after his mystery texter called him, he laid in bed for hours, thinking. Hell, smiling even. Playing on repeat that damn song they sent him. He really needed a whole playlist made for him.

He was so far gone.

Bakugou turned off his phone, and plugged it in. He can talk to his little crush tomorrow.


i'm sorry i've been gone for a month lmfaoooo dooo has been a PAIN IN MY ASS and i've been trying to make friends with this girl and it's been going well in fact this conversation was somewhat inspired by my convo with her last night oooh

anyways i might make a spotify playlist for this fic if you guys want that idk if i have enough music to do that because my taste is very specific ya know so i'll see
also i'm being a maid for halloween HA i love you all see you hopefully soon i'll make it a point to upload before my birthday which is in 2 weeks exactly 🥳🥳 this IS SO LONG GOODBYE

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