Chapter 12

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That's What I Forgot:


Rebekah walked in, "There's something you all need to see

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Rebekah walked in, "There's something you all need to see."

As everyone turned their attention to her.

"A white oak tree." My eyes widened. "The native calendar in the drawings puts the tree there 300 years after we fled the Old World"

"Shit that's what I forgot," I said smacking my forehead.

"You knew?"

"What? How is this possible?"

"We destroyed that tree"

"This can't be right"

"Oh, bloody hell"

"Don't worry me and Sage took care of it." Rebekah said as they looked at each other.

"Where was it?"" Klaus asked.

"The bridge. The whole thing was white oak." Sage said.

"I'll see you guys later I have a few things to take care of" I said disappearing.


"They need to pay for what they've done to my family."

Damon spoke up from where he stood by the fireplace, swirling a glass of bourbon "So let's kill them"

"Elena you need to think about this just because you found the stakes that can kill them-

"Bonnie I know what I'm doing."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, "fine," she said walking to the door. "I'm having no parts in this. From this day forth consider me not on your side Elena."

Slamming the door. "Now that's she's gone, I just need to tell Cassandra and get her on bored."

"You think that's going to work?" Stefan said.

"Yes, I'll get back to you guys"


"Hey Cassandra." She hoped Cassandra would side with them and help get rid of the Mikaelson family once and for all.

However things never go Elena's way with Cassandra around.

Elena explained that Stefan and Damon found the stakes to kill them that are left from the br. She then said how the Gilbert ring could possibly be dangerous and that is was possible that Alaric was killing people without knowing it.

Eldest Gilbert (Vampire Diaries Fanfic) |Elijah Mikaelson|Where stories live. Discover now