Chapter 6

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Part of the Truth Comes Out:


|later in the chapter|

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|later in the chapter|

Elena was looking for siblings although, her search was put on hold when Damon's voice rung out from behind her "Elena!! Did you get what you want?"

She stopped and slowly turned to face him

"Actually yes"

Her eyes continued to keep a watch out for her siblings "Good. Tell me on the way home. We're leaving." He said grabbing her arm and started to pull her towards the door "come on'

"No, Damon let go of me." Elena wasn't taking any
of it though and ripped her arm out of his grip
before focusing her full attention on him with a
glare "Look, I'm sorry that I had to cut you out of
the plan" (Even though she really wasn't)

Damon returned her glare "There shouldn't have been a plan. You shouldn't be here" He exclaimed to her.

Elena had finally at this point, enough of everyone trying to dictate what she should do. She was her own person. Especially Damon and Stefan. Damon had no right telling her that she shouldn't be at the ball.

"Do you think I like going behind your back? I
don't" Her glare dropped and took on a pleading
tone and expression

"But if I hadn't asked Stefan to help, then you would've tried to be the hero and it would've ruined everything"

Damon scoffed, feeling more than bitter about the fact that she went to his brother for help, she could've gone to anyone else but she chose Stefan again.

"Sorry for trying to keep you alive. Clearly Stefan
doesn't give a fuck anymore" He couldn't help but say

Elena realised exactly why Damon was so mad "Now you're mad at me for including Stefan?" she nodded, a bit condescending.

Both of their tempers were rising quickly too quickly
which was not a good thing.

"No, I'm mad at you because I love you!"

"Well maybe that's the problem!"

The two of them were both clearly taken back by
Elena's response, Damon felt as though she'd just
staked him as he blinked in shock before closing
down completely whilst Elena tries to correct
herself "No. That's not what I-"

"No, I get it Elena." His speech took on a mocking tone tinged with hurt "I care too much. I'm a liability. How ironic is that? Considering it was a problem when I didn't care!!"

Eldest Gilbert (Vampire Diaries Fanfic) |Elijah Mikaelson|Where stories live. Discover now