Chapter 5

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Champagne along side magic:

Still the ball outfit sadly

Cassandra eyes found Jeremy while he was talking to
Matt. "Jeremy don't look alarmed but keep the conversation going or whatever but I'm gonna listen in on Elena's conversation with the bitch I mean witch" she said with a drink in her hand acting completely normal. Atleast her normal.

"I wanna hear"

"Alright I'll connect you to mine for you can hear then"

"So she's the mother?"

"Duh could you not tell. They favor and she weird just like them"

"Yes cause you are perfectly normal" he said rolling his eyes

"Jeremy what are you rolling your eyes at" Matt said

"So much for acting normal. End the conversation"


"My children believe I'm holding this ball to
celebrate our reunion. But in truth I've gathered
them together to perform a ritual. The first step
requires the blood of the doppelganger. Only a
drop. Its essence will be in the champagne toast
later on this evening.Will you do it or will I?"


"Yea. I hear what you hear remember. No need to SHOUT IN MY HEAD"


"Elijah is more suspicious than the others, so he
may need more persuasion, but they all need to
drink at the toast in order to be linked as one." The hag said

"Glad I like the intelligent one"

"Didn't need to know that Sand"

"Sorry but atleast you know he'll be your brother in law"

"What do you mean linked as one?"

"You said yourself Klaus can't be killed. But
tonight's spell links all my children together, so
that if one goes, they all go"


"Oh I never knew she was this dumb. Do you realize what this means Jere?"

"It sounds like they are going to die"

"Not just them. Every vampire on earth will die. That'll cause tremendous damage. Some of them live like normal people have jobs and stuff."

"So we need to stop it"

"Ehh we'll just warn them."

"I love my family, Elena, but they are an
abomination. I betrayed nature when I created
them. It's my duty to kill them."

"what kind of woman wants to kill her own children and what the hell was Elena thinking?" Jeremy said

"You wanna cause some drama with me" I asked Jeremy

Eldest Gilbert (Vampire Diaries Fanfic) |Elijah Mikaelson|Where stories live. Discover now