Blood Of A Fallen King

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Y/n's POV

I heard my name get angrily shouted from behind me and I spun around to see the man of the hour, Jungkook standing a few meters away from me. He also had blood splattered on his armor and it made my stomach turn knowing that blood was from my troops. His sword also dripped of fresh blood and he had a sinister smile on his face; almost one of madness.

"Jungkook," I said as he twisted his right foot into the ground more before speaking,

"You have been on my mind for years-"

"Got an obsessive one over here then." I interrupted him as he clenched his jaw, continuing his little rant,

"I've dreamed of all the different ways I could kill you and the most satisfying way was by the tip of my sword going right through you. And I plan on doing just that and burning that sorry kingdom of yours to the ground."

"Well, the most satisfying way you've died in my dreams is getting run over continuously by a bull as I sit in a chair and laugh while eating chips. But stabbing you through the heart also works." I replied with a teasing smirk, seeing him get more pissed off at my words. I knew if I could get him full of rage, his movements wouldn't be as coordinated or controlled. He would just be fighting out of rage and not strategically. Though, I doubt much happens in his head anyway, so he probably never strategizes, "oh, and most of my kingdom is made of stone, so you can't really burn it down even if you wanted to."

"I'll have your head as a trophy when I'm done with you!" He shouted as I wanted to say a few more things to get him seeing red. Something that I know will make him lose his fucking mind. I learned back when I was young how effective words can be while fighting.

Flashback to 13 year old y/n

I held my sword up as Key circled me with a smirk on his face. He had one arm behind his back and the other just holding his sword. It was supposed to give me an advantage, but it just made me feel stupid compared to him.

"What's with taking your time? Fight me, unless you're scared I'll beat you without both my hands." He taunted me as I huffed out, going at him and ready to win. I swung at him and he easily blocked it with his sword, so I spun around and attacked again with more force, but the same outcome occurred. I then took a step back to reset myself, by Key stuck his foot out and tripped me,

"Oh, I think you might've tripped. You must need to work on your balance because jeez, I've seen people without legs walk better." I looked up at him and his cocky smile from the ground. I stood up and brushed myself off as he got ready for me to attack him again. I did just that, but everything I threw at him, he blocked with ease.

"My my, can't even beat me when I give you a handicap? I bet Winter could do better than you." My eyes widened hearing him say that and I got angry because she was the worst sword fighter I knew. She could barely hold the sword properly,

"That's not true!" I said to him as I charged him, attacking him blindly as he just laughed the whole time I did. He seemed to have enough of my failed attempts at hitting his armor and he just brought his foot up to kick me away, sending me flying back to the ground.

"Y/n, what did you feel when I used those words against you?" He asked as he put his sword back in his holster. I sighed and accepted defeat, laying flat on the ground and looking up at the sky,

"I felt mad because what you said totally isn't true."

"Oh I know it's not true." He said and I lifted my head up a bit out of confusion,

"So why'd you say it?"

"Because words fuel people."

"I'm not following." He sighed and held his hand out for me, which I grabbed so he could pull me up. He motioned for me to follow him as we walked,

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