Making Up [M]

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Roseanne's POV

Last night was the worst night I've had in years. I was the one in tears as Lisa and I walked back to my castle, not her. I've never really had a fight with y/n end with that. I hated watching her walk away from me, it broke my heart. I tried to rush after her when I saw her disappear in the forest, but Lisa told me y/n needed time.

So here I am, laying in my bed after getting maybe three hours of sleep. I kept tossing and turning, wondering if y/n and I could get past this easily. She thinks that my feelings aren't the same as hers, but I know mine are stronger. I know she's hurt by everything and I want to make it up to her somehow. I don't know when the next time I'll see her at the archery range and I can't go forever without resolving this.

"Rosie, come on, let's do something," I heard Lisa say from the entrance of my chamber. I just groaned and turned away from her, not wanting to get out of bed. I heard her sigh, followed by her footsteps approaching me. I felt my bed dip down a little and her hand rested on my bare arm, "stop being all heartbroken and let's do something to get your mind off her."

"I can't help it, I'm always thinking about her, Lisa." I sighed as I curled up more in my blankets. Lisa rubbed my arm comfortingly,

"Then how about we head down to the small pond by the royal garden and we can chat there. I'll bring some snacks and you can rant as much as you want. How does that sound?" Lisa asked me, trying to comfort me as best she could. I looked back at her with a frown of realization,

"God, what am I doing? I should be the one comforting you! You were told you can't pursue the woman you want! I'm such a horrible friend." I said as I sat up in bed quickly. Lisa just gave me a soft smile and gently squeezed my arm,

"True, I am sad about that, but I understand your feelings. I literally have never heard Jennie's voice or been within 300 meters of her. You and y/n have had this going on for years, so of course, it's going to hurt more. I don't mind, I promise. I can find another woman to fill the void in my heart." I still frowned at her,

"But still-"

"No buts, let's just push the whole Jennie thing aside and focus on you. I'll make sure to bring your favorite snacks as well." Lisa encouraged me with a wink, making me crack a smile because I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I reached down and squeezed her free hand,

"I love you, Lili."

"Right back at ya. Now I'll let you take your time because I need to get a bunch of snacks. So do as you please. I'll come and get you later." I nodded my head,

"Okay, thank you." With that, Lisa got up from my bed and headed out of my chamber. I sat on my bed for a little longer before getting up and walking over to the window that overlooks y/n's kingdom. I just observed it for a little before turning away to get on some clothes that I wouldn't mind getting dirt and grass stains on.

"Roseanne," a voice said from my chamber entrance. I balled my fists up and turned around with a forced smile,

"Yes, Jungkook?"

"We need to create an heir to the throne. Come and let me use your body." He said with a gravelly voice. His eyes looked dark and scary and his jaw was clenched from anger. I knew if I said no, I would be hurt badly, so I reluctantly gave in and followed him out of my chamber to our shared one.

When we entered, he slammed the door closed and pushed me up against it, ripping off my night gown in one single motion. I bit my lip to stop any sound that shows my discomfort from escaping as he roughly dragged me to our bed, throwing me down onto it as he undressed himself. I was screaming and cursing him out in my head, but I didn't dare say that to his face because I didn't want to take a beating. I was trembling out of fear a bit and he smirked at me, running his hand down my inner thigh, making me tense up.

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