What'd You Expect

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Roseanne's POV

I know tonight Lisa and I will be going to the archery range to meet y/n because this is one of the nights we always meet. I hope there isn't much at the castle she has to do and she shows this time, but I have high hopes. Yet there was still the whole day we had to go through until that time. Lisa was super energetic when she came into my chamber to wake me up. She informed me that the allies were staying an extra few days, but she didn't know why. I didn't care because Jungkook is probably just wanting to show off to them.

"I was thinking we should go to the stables today and ride around. How does that sound?" I asked Lisa as I stretched, trying to get all the sleep out of me.

"Ooo, we haven't done that in a while!" Lisa said excitedly as I smiled at her.

"Great, it's settled then," I said with a smile, "be ready to ride in about an hour."

"Done!" Lisa replied as she skipped out, going to do whatever she needed to do around the castle. I just rolled out of bed and went to freshen up before getting changed into appropriate clothing to ride in. I just got on some trousers and a shirt that were both semi-dirty because I use them in the gardens sometimes.

I went down to the dining hall and had some breakfast quickly before Lisa scampered into the room, dressed for riding. I smiled at her and pushed over the plate of food I had for her. She thanked me and ate it rather fast, but I knew it was just because she was eager.

"Lisa, you're going to choke on your food." I scolded her as she scarfed down the last few bites of her food. She shrugged her shoulders and swallowed it all,

"No, I won't. Now hurry up, you slowpoke!" She said, shaking my shoulder as I swatted her hands off of me.

"Don't bother me while I'm eating." Lisa rolled her eyes at me and dramatically sunk into her chair,

"I can't believe you love food more than me."

"Better believe it, Manoban."


Lisa and I walked over to the stables and we saw a few of the workers there cleaning the place up a bit. Lisa knocked on the wooden wall to alert the people someone had entered and they turned their heads, smiling and bowing in my presence.

"My queen, Lisa, lovely to see you two today." The head of the stables, Jaehyun, said politely. We smiled back at him and he just raked up some more straw that was laying on the floor.

"Great to see you as well. We've come to take our steeds out for a ride." I said as Jae nodded his head, motioning for Lucas and Jungwoo to go and get our horses ready.

"Of course. They'll be all set up in a few minutes. You can say hello to a new foal we had just over a week ago," Jae said as he waved us over to a stall, "his name is Carrot because, I swear, after 5 minutes of being alive, he went right for the carrots. So it's rather fitting." He explained with a chuckle as Lisa and I cooed seeing the baby horse.

Carrot was a light brown and had a cute little white patch by his ears on his coat. He looked like he was healthy and I can't wait for the little one to grow up to be big and strong. Jae went and grabbed two carrots and handed them to Lisa and me.

"Here, you can feed him. Just move slowly when you reach it out to him; don't want to spook him or anything." He instructed as I slightly shoved Lisa in front of me because I wanted her to go first. She shot me a small glare, but she cautiously held the carrot out to the little horse. Carrot looked over at Lisa and then down to her hand, seeing the orange vegetable. His tail whipped a bit and he neighed a little before walking over and taking the carrot out of her hand. Lisa let out a huge sigh,

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