Digging Up The Past

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Y/n's POV

I woke up today and I knew what stupid day it was.

It was the anniversary of my parent's death.

The one that I caused.

I always hated this day because I had to pretend I cared so much about them and missed them so dearly. The whole kingdom outside of the people in the castle had this polished and pristine look of them that was completely wrong. I couldn't go out of my way and ruin that image because then I'd be the bad guy for never speaking of it. Even though I fully believe my people wouldn't do that, the outcome isn't set in stone, so I just won't test it.

The village was going to prepare a feast in my parent's name and I had to go or else Irene would hunt me down and drag me there. I also know Tae would do anything in his power to drag me around because I yell at him a lot. But hey, that's what friends are for; a person to yell at.

"Knock knock, rise and shine on your absolute favorite day!" I heard Tae shout overly happy as he came into my chamber, giving me his boxy smile. I rolled my eyes at him and sat up against my headboard, looking at him,

"I have a knife on my bedside table and it has your name written all over it." I grumbled to him as he just pretended to be flustered by my statement,

"Oh stop it, you're too kind. Anyway, I just came to make sure you were up because Irene said you need to be out of the castle and in the village come noon." I let out a loud groan,

"Ugh, I hate it!"

"I know, but you just have to act once a year that your parents were tolerable." He said, trying to find the bright side, which wasn't helping. I sighed and Tae sensed I just wanted to be alone for a bit, so he stepped out of my chamber and I just reminisced on how horrible my parents were to me.

Flashback to 11 year old y/n

I woke up in my chamber and the maid Irene told me that my parents had an outfit picked out for me for the coronation of one of our neighboring kingdoms. I went downstairs to eat breakfast and as I went down the stairs, Irene scolded me lightly to not rush down the stairs because I'll get hurt. I didn't pay attention to her and entered the dining hall, seeing my parents already there. My father looked up from his plate with a disapproving look,

"You're late." I hung my head low as I spoke,

"I'm sorry, sir." I said obediently as I took my seat at the table. It was only the three of us that ever ate at this table unless we had allies here, so this big table was useless much of the time. My parents sat at the far end of the table and I sat on the side, all the way at the other end since that was the seat they 'assigned' me. I didn't argue with them and just ate my food as I heard my parents chat with one another.

The stew we had this morning wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but I still ate it before my father gave me the approval to leave the table. I bowed to my mother and him before going up the stairs back to my chamber where Irene was waiting for me. I entered my chamber and Irene had her back faced to me as she straightened out my clothing. I called out to her,

"Irene, what am I wearing?" I asked in a chipper voice as I skipped over to her. Irene turned her head and gave me a sad smile,

"Sweetheart, you're not going to like it, I'm sorry." I stopped skipping towards her and I felt my shoulders grow heavy as I knew what that meant.

My parents wanted me to be more 'ladylike' and wear a dress.

"Why can't they let me be me?" I asked Irene hopelessly as I saw her eyes grow sad. She sighed and opened her arms up for me,

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