Chapter 10

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*Disclaimer - The characters in this story belong to Orson Scott Card who wrote the book "The Lost Boys" and Joel Schumacher who directed "The Lost Boys" Movie. I only own the storyline to this story and any original characters I decide to add. *

Chapter 10

The sun had set in Santa Carla and the wind in the air was chilling to the bone. The people walking the boardwalk did not know what was going on, but it felt dangerous being out and made those on the boardwalk keep glancing over their shoulder.

15 minutes away stood a two-story house. The only lights on were in the living room area and in one of the upper rooms. In the front window, a figure was passing every few minutes. Sam walked back and forth in front of the window as Edgar sat on the couch sharpening a stake and Alan stared into the fire in the fireplace. The vampire hunters had had their first battle and killed their first vampire. They were now waiting for the rest of the vampires to come.

Sam glanced over at the frog brothers as Edgar flashed a guilty look at Alan. Sam opened his mouth to say something when....


Sam, Edgar, and Alan jumped at the loud noise from above. All three glanced up to the celling where they heard Michael cussing up a storm and Star apologizing. The three looked at each other and laughed.

"Man, that brother of yours is weird. Are you sure you two are related?" Edgar stated.

Sam smiled "Mikey isn't that bad."

The smile slowly left Sam's face as he sat in the chair closest to the fire.

He took a deep breath "so what was with that look you gave Alan?"

Alan and Edgar tensed. They didn't realize Sam had seen them. The brothers glanced at each other before Edgar turned toward Sam.

Edgar frowned. "I missed the bloodsucker's heart. She's most likely still alive"

Sam's head jerked up to look between the frog brothers.

"That means that there are five very angry and very dangerous vampires coming after us!!!!"

Edgar and Alan looked at each other again before turning their eyes back to Sam and nodding their heads. They watched as Sam jumped up and pacing back and forth as he thought about what this would mean.

Sam turned to look at the Frog brothers "We're all going to die, aren't we?"

Alan and Edgar looked at each other again before turning to stare at Sam with blank stares.

"Most likely" Edgar said.

Sam plopped in the chair and buried his face into his hands. This was not how it was supposed to end. They were supposed to survive and kick vampire butt. He was 16 and going to die before he could do anything crazy.

Sam's thoughts turned to Maya. He had hung out with her a couple of times before he knew she was a vampire.


Sam was glancing at a tie-dye shirt. It wasn't exactly his taste but whatever. Just as he was about to grab it off the shelf a hand stopped him.

"You don't want to buy that here." Sam glanced behind him to see Maya and Laddie.

He turned away and smiled. "Really? Where should I buy clothes?"

Maya grabbed his hand and led the two boys out of the store. Five stores down were a store called Callie's Sensations. Inside was a shop that stored clothes in bright colors with different designs on them. Sam was in love with the store.

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