Chapter 4

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*Disclaimer - The characters in this story belong to Orson Scott Card who authored the book "The Lost Boys" and Joel Schumacher who directed "The Lost Boys" Movie. I only own the storyline to The Street Rat and the original characters. *

" " - Out Loud

' ' - Thoughts or Vampires speaking through their minds


Chapter 4


The others smirked at each other. They would do what Max said but it didn't mean they couldn't have fun testing the human.

David smirked "How far are you willing to go Michael?"


David led the others into the cave and couldn't help but smirk at Michael's face. Michael walked around with his eyes wide. He had never seen anything like this. Star moved behind the curtains around her bed. She didn't know what David was up to but she did not want to be apart of it. Michael glanced around for Star. She had been the whole reason he had come here in the first place.

David quickly called out to Michael "Not bad huh? There used to be a hotel on the cliff side. The prettiest hotel it was and the town was so proud of it. Too bad they built it on a fault. Earthquake came and the hotel took a nosedive straight through the crack...and now it's ours."

David walked over and placed his hand around Michael's shoulder. He steered the human toward the fountain.

"Marko Food"

Marko jumped down from the fountain and left the building.

David lit a cigarette. He puffed it a few minutes before turning to hand it to Michael. David smirked and sat down in the wheelchair.

"I think you're going to like it here."

He watched Michael sat down while glancing around at all the stuff around the cave.

Paul clicked on the boom box and started playing some hard rock music while Dwayne started skating around the cave on his skateboard. Star did not understand why David was interested in Michael or why he sent Maya and Laddie away. It was rare that David allowed the two youngest members go off without one of the five with them even if Maya was a vampire.

The group did not have to wait long before Marko returned with food.

"Feeding Time" Marko called

He started tossing Chinese food boxes to each of the boys. David received two boxes of food.

"Chinese. Good Choice. Guest's first."

David leaned forward offered the fried rice box to Michael before opening his own box, noodles. David's mind instantly knew what he was going to do the minute he saw the rice. He raised his eyes and watched as Michael moved the fork through the rice without taking a bite of food. It was time to have a little fun with the human.

Michael didn't like Chinese food but he couldn't look like a loser by refusing.

David fake frowned "What's wrong Michael? Don't like Chinese? How could a million Chinese people be wrong?"

The other boys started laughing. Michael glanced at the others and shoved some into his mouth.

David waited a few minutes while Michael chewed what he had in his mouth before raising his eyes to look at him. "How are those maggots, Michael?"

Michael stopped and looked at him funny.

David sat forward "Maggots Michael. You're eating maggots."

Michael rolled his eyes before looking at the box. His eyebrows shot up as he saw maggots crawling around in the box. He turned, dropping the box and started spitting out the rice in his mouth.

Paul, Marko and Dwayne burst out laughing. David smirked as he stirred the noodles around in his Chinese box.

"Stop" Star exclaimed. She rose from her bed and moved into the main cave.

Michael slowly leaned back as he looked at the spilled rice on the floor. He could have sworn they were maggots. David frowned as he glanced at Star. She would pay for opening her mouth. He turned back to Michael and smiled a fake smile. "No hard feelings right Michael?"

Michael slowly shook his head.

David leaned forward "Why don't you try some noodles?"

Michael glanced at the box only to see it filled with wiggling worms. He closed his eyes and leaned away.

"It's worms."

David leaned back and gave Michael a confused look. "Worms?" he reached in and grabbed a handful with his chopsticks. Michael stared with him in shock when David lifted the worms to his mouth.

He grabbed the box but when he looked inside, he saw...noodles.

David smirked. "Their only noodles Michael."

The other lost boys laughed at Michael's confusion. Michael slowly sat down glancing between the noodle box in David's hands to the spilled rice on the floor. 'What is wrong with me? Did I breathe in some pot at the boardwalk or something?"

David motioned for Marko "Get the Wine."

Star's eyes widened when Marko walked off. She quickly walked over to Michael and tried to get his attention however Michael did not even glance at her. He wasn't stupid. He realized he was being tested to see if he was worthy of being with them. If going through this hazing meant being with Star than that is what he would do.

David took the bottle from Marko and glanced at Michael with a fake puzzled smile before popping open the wine bottle and taking a drink. He could fill the blood of his sire flow through him. This bottle was different from the one that Maya's human friends had stolen. David had learned his lesson from that experience. He emptied the bottle of the lost boys' blood and filled it with Max's. This was Max's idea and Max could deal with the new Halfling.

David held out the bottle offering it to Michael. "Drink this, Michael. Be one of us."

Paul, David and Dwayne started chanting Michael's name.

Michael took the drink from David as Star grabbed his arm "You don't have to. It's Blood"

Michael rolled his eyes. "yeah, right?"

Star backed away from him cursing David in her mind. David's tricks had worked and now he was cursed just like her. She walked over to her bed and laid down as tears ran down her face. There was nothing she could do for him now. David had got what he wanted and it was all her fault. 

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