Chapter 7

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*Disclaimer - The characters in this story belong to Orson Scott Card who wrote the book "The Lost Boys" and Joel Schumacher who directed "The Lost Boys" Movie. I only own the storyline to this story and any original characters I decide to add. *

Chapter 7

The lost boys were leaning on the boardwalk handrails waiting for Michael to appear. David had interrogated Star as soon as he had woken up on what occurred between her and Michael.

David was relieved to know that Star and Michael were getting closer. If he could get both of them to turn than he can shove them to Max once Lucy became a vampire and not have to worry about them. They started joking about who was on the menu when suddenly Marko was jerked backward. David glanced at Michael as he grabbed David's jacket.

"Where is she?" Michael demanded.

David smirked "You ever want see Star again you better come with us now Michael."

Michael frowned and pushed David away. He stopped and stared at Maya. "Who's the kid?"

Maya scowled. She was not a kid.

Marko sneered at Michael and pulled Maya into his arms. "Not your business Michael."

Michael started to open his mouth to say something, but David stepped between them.

"Enough." David said. David nodded his head at the others. The guys climbed on the back of the motorcycles. Marko helped Maya onto his bike as Michael stared at them.

David placed his hand on Michael's shoulder. "Michael."

Michael frowned, jerked away from David, and stomped over to his bike. Maya shook her head. Michael had an anger issue. Hopefully he would know better than to do that again after he was turned.

The group speed down the beach swerving around people and bonfires. They sped into the dark until the bonfires and sound of the boardwalk disappeared. Up ahead a light appeared over a hill. The lost boys slowed their bikes down and stopped at the bottom of the hill. Michael stopped and glanced between the group not understanding what was going on.

The lost boys and girl ran up to the tree on the hill. The boys climbed up in the tree and got situated. Paul reached down a hand and pulled Maya up into the tree in front of him. The two started a whispered debate on who would be the worst or best to eat. David laughed before glancing behind to see Michael sitting on his motorcycle. "Come on Michael"

Michael stood up and walked up toward the tree that the five were in. He climbed up until he was right by David. Michael glanced down and saw a bunch of people sitting and dancing around the fire. He recognized them. They were the surf Nazis. Michael frowned and turned toward David in confusion.

David smirked and pulled back into the dark "Initiation over Michael. Time to join the club."

He switched to his vampire face and moved into the light.

The look on Michael's face was so funny Maya laughed. Michael's eyes darted from face to face as they leaned forward into the light. At David's signal they flew into the air and right at the Surf Nazis. It was feeding time.

Michael froze as he watched the five vampires. The guys were brutal with their feeding. Grabbing, ripping, and feeding on the humans. He heard a scream and turned to see Maya sitting on a man ripping into his throat. Maya glanced up and met Michael's eyes. Blood dripped down her mouth, Maya wiped her mouth and held out a hand to him. 'Michael, join us'

Michael fell from the tree and curled up at the base of the tree. Maya frowned and glanced at David. David jerked his head. Maya glanced once more at Michael before turning and running into the frenzy grabbing another meal.

Michael started biting his hand as he watched the others feed.


'Michael, join us'

"NOOOOO" Michael screamed and threw himself down the hill toward the bikes. He shook from the pain of hunger. Michael looked up as he heard footsteps. Standing at the top of the hill was the lost boys and the girl. They stood there with blood around their mouths and on their clothes. The boys looked smug, but the girl was looking at them with pity.

Marko pulled Maya into him and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Marko knew Maya had suffered terrible pain after drinking. It was not easy for the girl to see the pain Michael was going through.

David smirked at Michael "Now you know what we are. Now you know what you are. You'll never grow old. You'll never die. But you must feed."

David and the other boys started laughing as Michael stood up shaking, climbed on his bike and fled into the night.

If they didn't get him to turn soon, Max would be angry. She didn't want to end up in Max's basement. Nothing good came from Max sending one of them to the basement. Maya shuddered as a memory popped into her head of the one time she was there. She rubbed her wrists remembering the pain from the spikes in her wrists. If Michael didn't feed soon, Maya may be the one who gets punished.

Marko felt Maya shudder. He pulled her closer and gave a squeeze to her shoulders. The situation cannot be any worse than it is right now.

When the lost boys got back to the cave, Star was gone. David was furious. He told her to stay in the cave but she just wouldn't listen. The group sat around the main cave waiting for Star to return. The whole time David glared at the entrance like a snake waiting for a mouse to come out of its hole. Star wandered into the cave not expecting them to be there. Her eyes widened and she looked like a deer staring at headlights. David slowly stood up and started circling her. "So how was Michael?"

Star frowned and wrapped her arms around herself. "He's angry. What did you expect David?"

David scoffed and walked to their sleeping cave. He was sick of Star and her attitude. He could not wait to dump her onto Max and let her be his problem. The other boys got up and followed behind David except for Maya. Maya watched as Star walked into her room and laid down on the bed. Maya followed walking over to Laddie. She ran her hand through his hair before pulling the blanket up to cover him up.

Not looking at Star, Maya said "I'm sorry about Michael. I know this is hard Star but if you would just give in everything would be better. David will possibly change his attitude toward you if you just finish the transformation. We're a family and it's time you joined us."

Maya waited for some kind of sign that Star heard her but she gave up when David called out to her. Things would be better if Star and Michael were not in the picture.  

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