Chapter 3

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*Disclaimer - The characters in this story belong to Orson Scott Card who authored the book "The Lost Boys" and Joel Schumacher who directed "The Lost Boys" Movie. I only own the storyline to The Street Rat and the original characters. *

" " - Out Loud

' ' - Thoughts or Vampires speaking through their minds


Chapter 3

Maya and Laddie had wandered the boardwalk looking for Sam. Maya was lucky she caught the scent by Max's store. She tensed as she saw Max watching her. Maya nodded her head at him and waited for him to nod back at her. Max stared deep in her eyes before nodding his head. Maya took a deep breath before moving down the boardwalk following Sam's scent. Laddie trailed behind her wondering what was going on.

"Maya, I thought we were going to get Fairy Floss?" Laddie asked.

Maya smiled down at the boy. "Soon Laddie. We have a job first."

Laddie scrunched up his nose. "We do?"

Maya stopped and stared at Frog's Comic Shop. "Yeah. We do. Come on. Let's go get you a new comic book."

Laddie glanced at her and back at the store. "Dwayne said not to go there. It's dangerous."

Maya closed her eyes and breathed deeply. "Yes, you are not supposed to go in there but you're with me and David needs you to do this. I am stronger than those two and there is nothing they can do to me."

Laddie glanced at it and turned to her. "I want to ride on the Farris wheel and fairy floss."

Maya rolled her eyes. "If you do what you are supposed to, I will talk to David about taking a day off and taking you on the Farris wheel and getting you one fairy floss."

Laddie smirked "10."

Maya smirked "2."




"4 and that's my final offer. Anymore and Dwayne will have my head" Maya said.

Laddie made a face and finally agreed. Maya laughed. She could not believe she was bargaining the kid with cotton candy and a ride on the Farris wheel.

Maya took a deep breath and nodded. "Do you remember what you are supposed to do Laddie? What Dwayne spoke to you about before we left the cave?"

The little boy nodded his head "Dwayne said that I had to act like I've lost you. Go to the boy with the weird jacket and ask him for help".

Maya nodded her head "and if the frog brothers mess with you act like they scare you."

Maya squeezed Laddie's hand before releasing it and pushing him forward.

Laddie walked into the comic store and started looking around. Dwayne said to stay away from the frogs, but David and Maya said he had to go in there for Sam.

Laddie spotted the older boy looking at a comic with batman on it. Laddie closed his eyes and thought about his mother's death. Slowly tears fell down his face. He walked over and pulled on Sam's sleeve.

Sam was annoyed at the Frog Bothers. They kept trying to push that horror comic on him and say vampires were roaming Santa Carla. So far, he had only glanced at the comics before dumping them into the box by his bed. He did not like horror comics.

Sam was reading Batman fighting Joker when someone pulled on his sleeve. He glanced down to see a small boy crying. "I can't find my sister. Can you help me find my sister? Please! I want my sister."

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