Chapter 1

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*Disclaimer - The characters in this story belong to Orson Scott Card who authored the book "The Lost Boys" and Joel Schumacher who directed "The Lost Boys" Movie. I only own the storyline to The Street Rat and the original characters. *

" " - Out Loud

' ' - Thoughts or Vampires speaking through their minds


Chapter 1

Maya smiled as she felt the wind blow through her hair. She loved her new life with her brothers. The chance at a human life could not compare to the freedom of being a vampire.

As time went on Maya had forgotten the humans from when she was human. David had explained it when Maya started questioning what was going on.


"David, why can't I remember stuff? I remember some like living in the tire building but not the names or faces of the people I lived with. I remember running from my father's abuse but, besides the picture I have, I can't remember his name or where we lived or what we did together before the abuse started." Maya asked.

David took a deep inhale of his cigarette. He remembered asking this very question when he was turned. He answered this question when each of the boys asked too. It was the one thing that unnerved David. Not knowing his past.

David blew the cigarette smoke out and tossed it into the bonfire.

"This is what Max told me. I don't know if it's true or not but it's all we have to go on. When you are half, the blood works through your mind to convince you to finish the turn. It will make certain things be more intense like the deep burning of the throat, the extra sensitive hearing and the pain in the muscles resulting in cramps. Understand so far?"

Maya nodded her head.

David rubbed the bridge of his nose before continuing. This part was always the hardest part to grasp.

"When you finally turn, the blood focuses on the mind. It goes through the memories and cuts away the parts that would cause the new vampire's loyalty to be tested. A vampire's whole purpose is to survive with a clan. Every vampire who is not part of a clan feels the need for companionship. Someone who will be beside them in a fight and will keep the isolation of immortality away. A vampire who still remembers aspects of their human life would struggle to fit in with their new life if they had a human family still alive for the vampire to miss and if they remembered the humanity rules on killing. We are not humans and humanity does not work for vampires when our prey is anything that has blood flowing through them."

Maya frowned. "So, by getting rid of the memories, the blood is helping us to survive?"

David nodded. "Yes. There are times where a vampire will know a person was a family member but the emotional ties to them are severed. It's all about survival and the blood ensures that the vampire will survive their immortal life."

Maya nodded her head. It wasn't her fault and David confirmed it. Maya pulled the picture out of her pocket and stared at the man, woman, and child on the picture. David reached over and have her shoulder a squeeze in support or comfort for what Maya planned to do next. The girl leaned forward and dropped the picture into the fire. As it burned, David pulled her close.

"You will never be alone. You will never die. You will never be alone." David whispered.

The girl watched until the picture burned away. This was her life and, if she was going to survive all memories of her human life needed to go. She would survive.

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