•Chapter 7

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Its been a month since I've started NYU and I am loving it

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Its been a month since I've started NYU and I am loving it. I am missing my old life but here at NYU I feel safe and thats the best thing I could ever feel. Nothing has changed much, Tyler shows his face everyday at the coffee shop and flirts with me. You read that right, he does flirt with me and he thinks I'm dumb but trust me I know its a joke. Lily and Jennie are doing amazing and we've all actually became more social, by this I mean we've found time to go to parties every once in a while, it's the beginning and we are all taking it slow. Friendship has never been easy with me but with Lily and Jennie we don't have a friendship we have a sisterhood, something I've missed since Sophie left me. 

I begin my normal route to work, walking past the trees and the park bench. By now, I have visually memorised the whole place but the funny thing is that everyday something new would become part of my journey, like at the beginning the amount of dogs that'd be included (trust me it was a lot). Speaking of dogs, I remember my 2 dogs that me and Sophie named, I named one Paris whilst she name the other Tokyo and we both adored the names. 'Tokyo and Paris' were the lights of joy in our lives. After much more thinking I finally arrived at the Cafe and was greeted by the one and only Tyler Foster AGAIN. I mentally groan after I place my things away and he's doing his usual 'morning bitch' smile. 

"What do you want now Tyler?" I asked clearly very unpatient. 

"You," he replied in a demanding tone. 

"no, I'm occupied now shoo," I reply tiredly.

"No, your meant to give me what I want because I'm a customer," he responds clearly not getting the hint. I mentally curse and groan once again. 

"Tyler, I'm actually so tired today. Please just let me live!!" In response, Tyler hugs me like the idiot he is. 

"Mr Foster, why are you hugging me?" I ask amused. 

"I'm giving you the comfort you need right now," he replies. 

"Well, I'm badass Tyler now get the fuck off me or I will karate chop your ass," I respond like the bad bitch I am aswell as shiver due to his ice coffee touching my arm.

"Yeah well the badass bitch is freezing externally isn't she Miss Montogomery?" Tyler questions as I look to my arms to see goosebumps forming. 

"funny, move your ice coffee from my arms or I will literally kick you, don't test me!" I respond with a sarcastic smile, he loves me really - uhm no girly please no. 

Tyler backs up and takes his jacket off and passes it to me "here you need it more than I do," he says like the fine gentleman he is - are you on crack? 'FINE GENTLEMAN' is a bit extreme Stacy - all in good time. A/N- her initial thoughts or are they mine? (guess we'll never know) - oml stop you can call me a hoe but we all know that you are the biggest hoe... VIOLATION - okay back to the story xoxo

"you sure, it doesn't have an STI?" I reply, pissing my favourite asshole off. 

"SHUT UP STACE AND WEAR IT, why are you so difficult?" He responds, mission accomplished. 

"Okay now shoo," I reply using my hand to shoo him away like the cat trainer I am. 

"No, I will not go unless you come to my game tonight," he replies. I am telling you I am so close to calling security like please campus security where are you? 

"your getting late for training," I reply blunt and all like a badass bitch like go STACY!!

"so, will you come?" he asks practically begging me. 

"Uhm how about NO, so will you go?" I ask matching his lovely tone. 

"how about NO, so will you come?" he replies matching me. YAY TWINS US TWO, uhm no kill me xo.

"If I come, you leave now and go to practice, deal?" I ask. 

"seal it with a pinky promise and its a deal!" he responds triumphantly. 

"Bitch who the fuck? Do I look 5 to you? " I ask :) 

"Shall I stay longer than?" he asks, uhm no who are you kidding, I DON'T LIKE YOU. leave. 

"no me gusta nada." I respond. 

"Je m'en fiche." he replies with 

"Chiudi quella cazzo di bocca Tyler," like the biggest bitch I am I smile like Marcus says 'service with a smile' :) A/N - something like that IDEK okay spare me the HATE okay :))

After twenty billion hours of conflict we finally sealed the deal (wink wink) oml no wink winks okay anways, A/N as an author I get so side tracked because I'm mentally laughing, if your calling me weird its cause i have 2 things you don't humour and personality. No hard feelings bug a boo. MIRACULOUS SEASON 5 IS OH MY GOSH NOT IT. 



hey guys, I got so sidetracked and I know its so bad.

My English is so shit, I have mocks coming up and I haven't proof read so bare with OKAY. Geez my life is a mess and I know you don't want my life story but its hella hectic - I NEED SOME TIME TO BREATHE OKAY...

sorry that's actually funny ^

Yeah I know you don't care but yeah you should know :)

Okay bye for now 

- Kisses A :)

lots of love 

Big B xx

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