Chapter 45

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It was well after midnight when everyone finally adjourned to bed. Zyirah was hesitant to leave my side, but finally did so at my insistence, until it was just Zak, me, and Zirlic remaining. He sat in the same place he had been, though I had moved to sit next to Zak across from him. His eyes passed between us, concerned and curious as Zak leaned in to me.

"You gonna tell him about you-know-what?"

I nodded, and he blew out a breath as Zirlic's brows narrowed. "Should I be concerned?"

I shook my head. "No. Well, yes. Maybe... We learned something while we were in the Cascades. About the so-called Light in the prophecy."

"What about it?"

"It's not Mom." Zak interjected, and Zirlic frowned.

"Okay, then who?"

"It's the baby..." I mumbled and saw his face drop.

"What do you mean?"

Between Zak and I, we recounted what Akarrus had told us, and watched his expression go from curious to horrified as I stood from the bench, my arms crossed as I looked down at him.

"So, if this Light event takes place, and the baby somehow manages to kill Jackal or stop the army or whatever it's supposed to do... the baby will die after." My voice almost cracked, and I cleared my throat as Zirlic scraped both hands down his face.

"What can we do? Is there a way to prevent the Light?"

I shrugged. "Akarrus listed off a few theories that he's heard over the years, but he said no one knows for sure how to either prevent it or save the baby after."

He rubbed his beard again, his face red and eyes tired as he seemed to consider for a long time. "Best I can figure... we either need to stand off with Jackal before the baby is born, or as soon as it is born, remove it from the situation as soon as possible."

I nodded absently, my arms crossed as I stared out at the dark battlefield and the blue moonlight that bathed it. "Although, I fear we wouldn't have the opportunity for either. If the baby's been born by the time Jackal shows up, there'd be no time to take it and Zyirah far enough away. It would have to be born at least a week before he arrives. Or after."

"Yeah..." Zirlic mumbled. "We'll figure it out, though. Does Zyirah know?"

I shook my head, still staring into the night. "How am I supposed—? She's had enough stress lately. Now I have to go and tell her that our baby is going to—" I choked as my breath hitched and had to fight the tears that were brewing behind my eyes.

With a deep breath, Zak reached up and tugged on my arm, forcing me to sit. My elbows rested on my knees as I stared at floor, barely noticing when Zirlic appeared to crouch in front of me.

"We'll figure this out, son. Just like everything else that's come our way, we'll sort through it, and we'll fight. You do not have to go into this alone. Okay?" He squeezed my shoulder as I sniffed and nodded, then he stood. "Go be with her now and get some rest. We'll have much to do in the next few weeks to prepare."

I nodded and stood away from the bench. I didn't look back as I moved on robotic legs to the sleeping dome, and it took everything within me to pull myself together before I stepped in to see Zyirah.

She was waiting for me in my room, stripped to her skin with the blankets pulled just below her belly, making my mouth go dry as I entered. With a small smile, she patted the bed beside her, and I swallowed hard as I stepped out of my shoes and went to join her. Laying down, her belly looked even bigger, and I sighed as I rested a hand atop it. For several moments, grief and worry tried to swamp through me, and it took my all my effort to resist them, wary that Zyirah may be tapping into my thoughts.

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