Chapter 19

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Zirlic and I passed the bathing pool into the thick of the woods, shrouding us in shadows as the sun struggled to break through. I noticed him keep giving me sidelong glances when he thought I wasn't looking, but I tried not to pay it any mind as my eyes scanned the woods for Abigail. After the third or fourth look though, I came to a stop and faced him.

"Okay, spill it." I said and crossed my arms as he frowned.

"Spill what?"

"What's bothering you? Why do you keep looking at me like you're waiting for me to sprout mushrooms?"

"Oh..." He looked off into the trees, his expression not quite readable, then returned his gaze to me. "No reason." I arched a disbelieving brow at him, and he sighed. "I just worry is all."

"About me?"

He shrugged. "Always about you, but about everything else, too."

Letting out a breath, I unfolded my arms and touched a hand to his shoulder. "Zirlic, I swear on my life that I will never let anything happen to you. To any of you. You have my word on that."

"I know."

"Then just... trust me. Please?"

He nodded slowly. "I do, but do you trust us as well?"

"You're probably the only ones in my life that I trust."

"Even if we had to do something you might not necessarily like in order to help you?"

I frowned, disturbed by the turn the conversation was taking. "Such as?"

He shook his head. "It's just hypothetical."

"I trust you, Zirlic. With my life." I licked my lips as I considered that. "You're the first to ever earn that from me."

He inclined his head. "Then I will not betray that trust."

I nodded slowly, looking over his shoulder at the sound of footsteps, and saw Abigail approaching. Zirlic turned, startling at the sight of her until I touched a reassuring hand to his arm.

"Relax, this is Abigail." I said, and he frowned. "How are you, Abigail?"

She inclined her head. "I am well, Creator. Did you find what you sought in the lighthouse?"

"I did, thank you for your help."

Beside me, Zirlic was looking at me like I was nuts. "Charlie... you're talking to a bear."

"Yeah, I can hear her voice in my head. Something to do with creating nature or... something."

He shook his head, eyes wide and bewildered as he looked between me and Abigail, who had sat back on her haunches to observe us.

"I need a favor." I said, and she cocked her head.

"I am at your command, Creator. What can I do for you?"

"Actually, I need a bird." I said. "One who can make the journey to Ceribal."

"That is a long flight."

"I know, but we need to send a request for aid, and I don't have another way to do so."

Beside me, Zirlic was still passing his eyes between me and Abigail, looking like he'd seen everything short of a talking bear, and wasn't crazy about finding one. Either that, or he was realizing that his Creator was a complete lunatic, which I guess I couldn't fault him for.

"There is Austin...perhaps he could do it." Abigail commented, and I returned my attention to her.

"Is he a strong flyer?"

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