Chapter 34

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I stood outside the first aid tent for several minutes. The practice of the men behind me had turned into an irritating buzz in my head, forcing me to use a little Creator leverage and ask their commander to go train elsewhere for a while. When the battlefield was finally empty and quiet again, I took a deep breath, pushed aside the flap over the doorway and stepped inside.

Zyirah was seated on the same table I'd seen her on before, her back against the wall, knees drawn tight to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. Tears were streaming down her face, and when she flitted her eyes to me, she choked on a sob and buried her head in her arms.

My heart was beating so hard I could barely breathe, my legs feeling like jelly beneath me as I crossed to her and wrapped my arms around her. She lowered her knees to let me pull her against me, her arms winding around my back as she wept into my chest.

"Zyirah, I am so sorry." I breathed against her, and felt my eyes fill with tears again.

"It's not your fault." She mumbled against me. "It takes two to make a baby."

Sniffing hard, she raised her head to look at me. I was still hung up on the word 'baby' and it took all my will power not to let it coax me into a panic attack. Cupping her face in my hands, I wiped her tears with my thumb and forced my expression into passivity. The last thing she needed was to see me crumble, but I wasn't sure how much longer I could pretend to be so strong...

"Charlie, what are we going to do?"

Letting out a breath, I shrugged. "Have a baby?"

She rolled her eyes and scooted away from me to press her back against the wall again. "This is the worst thing that could have happened at a time like this..." She swallowed hard, and I saw tears streak down her face again. "You are carrying so many burdens, you didn't need me to be another."

I shook my head as I looked down at her, my hands resting on her knees as she drew them up. "You are not a burden, Zyirah. If anything... having this happen will make me better."

She cocked her head with a disbelieving smirk. "How?"

"It gives me all the more reason to ensure that we win this war. It forces me to be stronger." I was so full of bologna I could make a sandwich out of it, but I kept my expression neutral as she averted her eyes and shook her head.

"How am I supposed to stand by your side and fight with this thing inside me...?" She shook her head. "I feel so pathetic."

"Hey," I reached out and took her face in my hands again. "That's our baby you're calling a 'thing'." A tear slid from her eye, and I wiped it away as I lowered one hand to rest over her stomach. I hoped she couldn't see my fingers trembling as I met her eyes again. "This baby makes you stronger too. It gives you something greater to live for, a new reason to survive."

She shook her head again. "Zirlic told your mom it's not natural, that it's going to grow faster than it would in your world."

I nodded, silencing my heavy sigh of fear as I lifted my hand away from her abdomen. "I know, but we'll make do as best we can."

"If Jackal finds out, you know he'll find a way to use me or the baby to destroy you."

I swallowed hard, looking away so she wouldn't see my eyes tear until I could blink them dry. When I returned my gaze to her, I was the very picture of stoicism, despite the turmoil eating through me.

"Zyirah, I swore to you that I would never abandon you or let anything happen to you, and I meant that. Especially now. The idea of being a father terrifies me, but it's still my child inside you, and I will fight for you until I'm physically incapable, and even then you can bet I'll be dragging my bloodied broken body to protect you."

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