Chapter 22

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I stared at the woods as I had for the hundredth time in the last several minutes, trying to push back the worry that was creeping in on me. What was taking Charlie and Zyirah so long? I had half a mind to go and look for them, but worried just as much about leaving the boys and Xylem alone. Last time Charlie had trusted me to watch everyone, I had failed him, and I wasn't about to have a repeat of that.

Standing in the center of the battlefield, I looked up into the sky. There were no more signs of whatever the large thing was that had flown over us. I wished I had gotten a better look at it, but it went so fast and so far that I'd only seen the tail end before it hit the trees. All I knew was that it had been massive.

"Any sign yet?" Leo's voice came from behind me, and I shook my head before turning to see him emerge from the mess hall.

"Nothing yet, and they've been gone over an hour."

"Want me to go and look for them?"

I shook my head. "No. If something goes wrong, Charlie will call."

We startled as a gust of wind blew around us, whipping my tunic behind me as one corner of the mess hall came loose and began flapping in the strong gale. Leo rushed to tie it back down, then returned to me. Looking up, the sky was clear, no sign of a storm. Jerry and Xylem emerged from the tent, the four of us huddling together as a huge, dark mass emerged from the far end of the wood. We watched in bewilderment as it came swooping toward us, and my mouth opened in surprise as I recognized it.

"It's Ceribus!"

Standing at my side, Leo frowned. "He's supposed to be in hibernation now."

I shrugged, taking a step forward as Ceribus landed. He hunkered low, laying out his wings to show Zyirah and Charlie nestled between them. Letting out a breath of relief, I moved toward them.

"Ceribus, I thought you would be hibernating by now." I called up to the beast, but he shook his head.

"More pressing matters keep me awake."

Zyirah slid down from his back, then reached up to help Charlie. He nearly crumbled as he slid from the dragon's shoulders. There were remnants of blood around his nose and eyes, and I frowned as Zyirah grunted beneath his weight, trying to keep him upright. Immediately, I went to relieve her, and took Charlie's arm around my shoulders.

"Charlie, what happened?"

His eyes were half open, his legs weak and sinking as he looked at me. "How... can you all talk to him?"

"He's the Guardian. He watches Arion in your absence. We have to be able to communicate with him.

Charlie nodded slightly, dragging me down as his knees sagged again. Without a word, I stooped, and swept him up beneath the knees, grunting as I held him like a child against my chest. In a matter of moments, he slept.

"What happened to him?" I asked again, and Zyirah gestured to the dragon.

"Ceribus was wounded and crash-landed. Charlie healed him."

My lips parted in both surprise and fear for my young Creator as I looked up at Ceribus. "Were you hurt bad?"

"Bad enough. A catapult out of Sevorrah wounded my leg."

Sevorrah... I knew they'd be involved. Cursing under my breath, I hefted Charlie in my arms as Leo came to stand in front of him. He held two fingers against the Creator's neck and met me with a frown.

"Zirlic, his heart's racing. A heal like that could have killed him. He needs some serious rest."

I nodded and excused myself to carry the boy to the sleeping dome. Behind me, I heard Zyirah comforting Xylem while the boys continued to question Ceribus about Sevorrah. I feared what he may have learned.

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