Chapter 24

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At first, all I felt upon waking was the raging headache. Groaning, I reached my hand up, only to meet resistance halfway to my head. Peeling my eyes open, I looked down, realizing that my hands and feet had been tied to a first aid table with strips of leather. With a grimace, I tugged against them, grunting as the blanket overtop me shifted and slid the harder I fought.

"What... the hell...?" I continued yanking against my wrists, wincing as the knot only got tighter.

"Stop struggling, Charlie. You'll only make it worse."

I looked up to see Zirlic standing in the doorway, his eyes tired, expression one of conflicted emotions. Raising my head to scowl at him, I tugged again at the binds. "Zirlic, what is this? Let me go."

Shaking his head, he entered with a frown. "I'm sorry, son, I can't. You've gotten too dangerous. I was hoping you wouldn't wake till all this was over."

"What are you talking about?"

He didn't answer as Zyirah stepped in after him. She was wearing a leather skirt that fell to her knees and a cloth top that showed her mid-drift. Her hair was tied back at her temples, looking beautiful, but her eyes were somber when they flitted to me.

"Zyirah... you guys what's going on? Untie me!"

Neither of them made a move to do so, and I felt my heart racing as panic crept in. Were they betraying me? Laying me out to be sacrificed? They wouldn't do that. I trusted them... but it didn't stop the bitter taste of fear from rising in the back of my throat as I watched them.

"Should we drug him again?" Zyirah asked, and my heart skipped a beat even though Zirlic shook his head.

"No point now."

Leo appeared next, his eyes flitting to me for a split second before shifting to Zirlic, who nodded.

"It's time."

Tugging against my binds, I watched as Leo abruptly left. "Time for what? What are you going to do to me?"

At last, Zyirah came to my side, her eyes tormented as she looked down at me. "Just try to stay calm."

"Calm? Are you crazy? Let me go!"

I felt heat rise in my body as the Immi power unconsciously rose up within me. My hands balled into fists at my side, and I could feel the burning tingle as energy began to brew in my palms. Zirlic glanced at me, and with a curse, yelled out to Jerry and Leo. The boys came sprinting in a moment later, crowding the room.

"Cover his hands before he accidentally sets this whole damn place ablaze." Zirlic muttered, and immediately the boys each grabbed a hand, keeping them fisted at my sides.

I fought against them until I lost the energy to do so and dropped my head to the table to breathe deeply. Eventually, the red heat around me dissipated. Jerry reached into his pocket and withdrew a small bottle, rounded at the bottom with a skinny neck and cork at the top, and handed it to Zirlic. With a sigh, he set it on the counter behind him then gestured to the boys.

"Each of you take a side and hold him down."

"Hold me down for what!?" I cried out, pulling again at my restraints. "What is wrong with you guys?"

Zyirah leaned down over me, and my eyes bored into hers as she slid a hand through my hair. My heart beat so hard and so fast I could barely breathe as I looked up at her, imploring her to let me go.

"Zyirah... help me..."

She sniffed as her eyes filled with tears. "We're trying."


The Key to the Warriors (completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora