Information about characters and the book

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Protagonist 1

Amelia Thatcher is a 20 year old women who's madly in love with formula 1. She watches every race she can and even attends them.

When she was a little child she was a very big fan of Lewis Hamilton but was also fan of every other driver on the grid. From time to time her love for the sport grew and she started to race. She was a nature talent and got an offer to drive in formula 1 for non other than Redbull. Now she is going to live her dream life and achieve her goals.

Charcteristic traits:
-very kind
-always nice to other people (only if they are nice to her )
-Very competitive
-always out for the win

Protagonist 2

Charles leclerc is currenty 24 years old and trying to win the championship. He is very competitive, single and very focused on racing. He isn't planning on letting anyone ditract himself from his goal of winning until he meets her.

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