chapter twenty-eight

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Amelias POV

"Come on. Lando already asked me where we are. We're going to be late."
"Yes I'm coming"
I walk out of the bathroom with my teethbrush ans skincare products and put them in my suitcase. Charles is already standing at the door.
I quickly pack my things and take my suitcase. Charles takes it off of me and we walk down to the parking lot where Lando and Luisa are already waiting.
We greet them with a hug before getting into the car.
I decide to check my social media.
Ever since I kissed Charles in front of basicaly everyone and technically announced our relationsship my account has gone crazy.
I get a lot of hate comments but also get tagged in a lot of fan posts.
I'm looking at a picture of Charles and me kissing in hungary at the airport with the caption: Sweetest couple ever.
I smile.
Charles notices and takes a look at the picture too.
"See I told you. Not everyones against this". He points at us.
"I know Charles."
He gives me a small kiss and takes my hand.
At the airport we see a lot of fans and meet with Pierre. Some of them are talking behind my back and some of them want a photo.
I quess that's a celebritys life. Not everyone likes you.
We get on the jet and it flys of. I have no clue where we're going. 
Charles said it's a surprise.
We cuddle and watch some netflix and some youtube videos while flying.
I'm almost asleep when Lando says: "Hey look outside the window"
I take a look and see the beautiful sea below us. Beaches, boats and green everywhere I look.
"So where are we now mr. Leclerc?"
"We arrive shortly in Ibiza miss Thatcher"
I look at him in disbelive.
"I mean it."
I hug him tight.
I turn my head again and continue watching out of the window. It looks beautiful.
I'm the first to get off the plane. I look around and realise it's very hot. Like REALLY hot.
"Come on, let's go to the hotel."
I'm so excited that I can't even sit still in the taxi there.
It stops in front of a really big and fancy hotel. We get out and walk inside.
Everything looks expensive here. The chairs look like they had cost tausands of dollars and the people are all dressed with poloshirts and chanelskirts.
The boys do the checking in while Luisa and I take a seat.
"And how's it going between you and Charles? Tell me everything"
"He's the nicest person ever really. He cares so much about me and would do everything for me. Sometimes he gets really mad but he just waits a second and calms down before talking to me again."
"And was it planned to announce it like that in Hungary or was it spontaneous?"
"Totally spontaneous. We had a big argument two days before the race because of the roumors he basically spread. But in this moment I thought realized that I want to hold is hand in public and also kiss him in public so I just did it. Maybe it was also the adrenalin"
"That's so sweet. I'm really happy for you two. Charles looks really happy. I've known him now for quite some time and he never was this happy. Not even when he was with his ex-girlfirend back then."
"You know her?"
"No, I just saw her talking to Charles once in a club. What is she like?"
"She's actually really nice but she never got over the breakup with Charles. One of my friends told me that she sometimes 'randomly' meets him in a club or something if you know what I mean."
"Oh I get it. She's one of those girls."
"Yes. She can be really nice but I don't know if she will manage your relationship"
"Well let's hope she does"
"Oh they're finished let's go"
We walk over to the elevator where they're already waiting for us.
"So Pierre your room is 512, Lando and Luisa you are in room 513 and we will be staying in room 514"
I open the door and look at the room. In the middle there's a big bed and in front of it a big couch. I walk further inside and see that there's also a balcony.
The view is amazing. You can look directly at the sea. There are also four chairs and a table outside.
"Do you like it?"
"Of course I do. Thank you so much."
I turn around and give him a big hug as he plants a kiss on my scalp.
"Now get your bikini on we want to go to the beach"
I immeadiatley open my suitcase and put on my bikini.
It's very simple and baby blue. On the top I decide to wear a white chemise and black shorts. I finish the oufit off with some fancy sunglasses and a blue hat.
I pack my beach bag and we head outside.
The walk to the beach is about five minutes long. I'm so excited to get there that I'm almost running.
We arrive and Luisa and me put our towels down and get ready to put sunscreen on when Pierre shouts: "The last one in the water has to pay the first round this night."
The boys immeadiately start running and jump into the water.
Luisa and I look at eachother before letting the sunscreen fall to the ground and running towards the water too laughing.
I jump inside and dive. 
I get out of the water and see Charles standing in front of me.
"You look really good in this bikini you know?"
"Oh do I?"
"Yes you do", he says and pulls me closer into a kiss.
"Guys you're not alone", Pierre says.
We laugh and enjoy the time in the water.
He splash water at eachother and dive for some seashells.
"This one looks good", says Charles showing me one.
The seashell is not very big with a lot of blueish collours on it.
"It's perfect"

Charles POV

"Is anyone hungry?", Lando asks.
"I'm starving mate", says Pierre.
"Dinner it is then", I say.
We pack our things and head back to the hotel again. We sit down at the pool and order some food.
Amelia and I order a pizza since we're not very hungry.
We eat and talk about life in general. Luisa tells us about her job and the special events she was invited to lately.
"Hey who wants to join me and jump from the five meter jumpingboard."
"I want to", Amelia says.
"Are you sure?", he asks her.
"Yes I am why?"
"I don't know I just-, uhm let's just go".
I lean back on my lounger and smile as I know what's coming next.
They walk up the ladder and stand onto the edge.
She looks at him before turning around so she's looking at him.
He looks at her with a confused face before she jumps down doing a backflip.
I give him a smile and watch him stand there in disbelieve.
He then jumps down too and swims to the edge in front of our loungers where she's already sitting.
"Okay I get it. I should never underestimate you."
She just smiles at him before standing up and walking towards me. I open my arms and she lays on top of me.
We enjoy the moment for a little until Lando says: "Want to go out?"
"Of course. What do you think I came here for?", Amelia says.
We all laugh before packing out things again and going back to our rooms.
Amelia and I take a little longer shower and get dressed.
"Wow this top really suits you"
"Thank you"
She's wearing a white corset and some black pants and her hair's a little curled.
We go outside and wait in the lobby until the others arrive.
I take my phone out and take a look at my instagram.
I'm getting tagged in a lot of posts so I can't look at all of them but one sticks out to me and I open it.
It's a picture of us five at the beach having fun.
I take a screenshot at post it on my story.
"Ready to leave?", Pierre asks.
"Yes sure. Let's go". I stand up and give Amelia my hand.
Outside we get into a taxi and Pierre gives the driver the adress of the club.
Amelia leans her head on to my shoulder and we enjoy eachothers presence.
We arrive and get out of the car.
As we walk into the club I take Amelias hand again because it's very crowded and I don't want to loose her.
We arrive at a lounge in the corner and sit down.
"First round's on me guys", Pierre says ordering five shots of tequila.
We continue having one round after another until we had about six each.
Amelia pulls me up and drags me to the dancefloor.
We start dancing like crazy. At some point we're just shouting the songlyrics at eachother ad jumping around.
We decide to get a few more shots and go back to the table for a break.
"Wanna join us for shots?", I ask them.
"Please. You know the answer to that", Pierre replies.
Next to him's sitting a blonde girl.
We pour them down and then decide to go dancing together.
We're just all dancing together. Like teenagers. Like bestfriends.
At some point Amelia and I are dancing very close.
We're staring into eachothers eyes until she kisses me. Hard and passionate.
I kiss her back and we continue making out for a while.
I pull away to look at her.
I can see little drops of sweat on her forehead and her eyes are shining in the light.
"God you look so good Amelia"
She doesn't reply. She just starts kissing me again.
At some point I feel like we're merge to one.
We stop and continue dancing.
"I have to go to the toilet"
"Should I come with you?", I ask her.
"Yes please"
We walk to the bathroom and I wait for her.
Suddenly I feel someone tapping my shoulder.
I turn around and see some girl.
She's about 1.60m tall and has long blonde hair.
"Hey wanna dance?", she asks me.
"No sorry I'm waiting for my girlfriend"
"Come on just one dance. I can give you my number too"
"Uhm no thanks because as I said I have a girlfriend"
"I'm sorry but I don't want to dance with you alright. Go and talk to somebody else please."
She sighs annoyed and walks away.
"Everything okay?", Amelia asks me as she sees me.
"Yes there was just some girl that wouldn't let me alone."
"Don't worry. Let's have a good night alright?"
"Yes". I smile at her.
"Oh look." She points at the dj table. "There's Lando"
We walk up on the stage and see Luisa.
"As soon as he gets the oppertunity to put on music he get's into DJ Lando and starts."
Lando's now standing at the dj desk putting on his music.
We order a few more shots and drinks and continue having a good night.
It's about 7am when we get back and tumble into our room.
Amelia and I immediately go to sleep.

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