chapter 18

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??? Pov
I am in a club in LA waiting for one of my friend to come. My life is quite complicated. I am tired short of. Well I have a purpose to come here. I want back something what i lost few years back. I hope i found my precious thing. I was so into my thought when a sweet voice interrupt me.

???: Let's go my brother's and friends are here.
???: sure.

Y/n's Pov

We are in a club to enjoy this night out.  We are having fun.. It's been five years i felt this much relexed. It felt like my life is getting better. I got this amazing husband and friends. Tae also is better than before. His mental condition was a mess like mine. But he is doing really good. I guess we are meant to be together.  I was going through my phone when Taeri Joined us..

She is with her special friend and she is introducing him to every one and he finaly come to me and Taehyung.

Taeri: Evan meet Taehyung my brother and Y/n my sister - in - law.
I looked at the person and my whole world stop. Those blue eyes, sharp jaw pink plumpy lips, perfect facial feature every thing is same. It's him. I felt all short of feeling.

Taehyung : y/n,  y/n.
I come back to myself...
Y/n: Yeah??
Taehyung : what's wrong.??
Y/n : nothing.. Anyways,  Hi Evan nice to meet you ( smile)
Even: Hi y/n. ( smile while staring at her eyes)
Taeri: By any chance do you know each others?
Evan: Ye....

Y/n: Nooo... We Don't know each other.
Even paused for few second.
Evan : Yeah she is right. We Don't know each other..

Few hours passed and everyone is happy except me. My life was nearly perfect but It's suddenly seems like will fall apart. Why is he here. Shouldn’t i be happy to see him fine than why i am feeling weird. I Couldn't clam myself. I wanted to cry.
My first love is infront of me. Who is supposed to be dead is alive and In front of me.
I Don't know what else to feel..
I loved that guy for years my only happiness whom i thought dead is here after 5 years.  What should i do?
I see Sam and Kyla looking at me time to time and of course they know everything as they both witness everything. They are my childhood friends including Evan.
We 4 were best friends afterall.

I Couldn't take this anymore excuse my self to freshen up my self.
I went to washroom and look at the mirror for few minutes. I wanted to wash my face but this stupid make up. I want to go home. I started to feel suffocated.  Let's go out and ask tae to bring me home. That will be the best thing i could ask.

I go out and started to walk but suddenly a hand pulled me to somewhere. I was scared and about to scream but stop in the middle when i heard the voice.

???: Shhh. It's me.
Y/n: What the hell Evan. And what are you doing?
Evan: Hugging my girlfriend.
Y/n: Really? Yeah i was 5 years ago.
Evan: Yeah. But we never break up.
Y/n: I Don't love you anymore. Just leave me alone.
Evan: But i still love you y/n. ( Tears started to shed)
Y/n: You love me??  Than where were you in those years.? Do you know what i had to go through? When i needed you the most Where were you??
Tell me Where were you ( screamed)  do you know how i felt when i got to know you died in an accident. Do you freaking know how i felt? ( screamed really loudly) 
I started to cry uncontrollably.

Evan: Y/n what do you think i do it purposely?  I was in coma for 2 and a half years. The first thing i asked after i wake up from coma is you. Do you think i Couldn't try to find you?? You, sam and kayla disappeared.  My condition wasn’t stable so my father send me to london. Few month ago i found that sam become an actor. I come her in LA to meet Sam and find your whereabout.  I also suffered y/n.
He started to cry.
I Couldn't hold anymore and hug him tightly and started to cry with him.

Tae's Pov

Well me and y/n was enjoying ourself's when Taeri come. She introduce her friend to us. But i felt something off when y/n meet him. She is being really quite and look at that guy now and Than. Does she know him. I started to feel uneasy.  Few hours have passed but i couldn’t feel relaxed. Suddenly y/n said she wanted to go to washroom and excused herself. After she goes that Evan also go somewhere. I still Couldn't feel easy. Few moment have passed and I was restless. I checked my phone It's around 15 minutes y/n has left. Where is she. I stand up and started to look for her.. I ask a female staff to check the ladis washroom and she said y/n wasn’t inside. Where is she?

I started to look for her..

Tae : Y/N... Y/N???

Y/n's Pov

I was having a very emotional moment with Evan when i heard Tae calling my name.  I hurriedly pushed Evan and weeped my tears off from my face.  I checked my face and hurriedly go to the voice from i heard Tae calling. 

Y/n: Tae I am here.
Tae: Where were you? I was worried.
Y/n: I am sorry tae. I am just feeling a bit sick.
Tae started to check myself.
Tae: Are you alright? Do we need to check a doctor?

Y/n: I am just having a headache and feeling a bit nausea. May be Because of alcohol. Let's go home i will be fine after taking rest.

Tae: Okay...

We went to the car. Full car ride was awfully quite. Tae seems a bit off. He usually ask me a lot of question or start a conversation but today he Didn't do any of those.

Tae's Pov

When i was looking for y/n a scene broke my heart . I clearly saw y/n is hugging Evan as if her life depends on it. But she said she doesn’t know him. She lied?
I called her again and saw she pushed him off and make herself presentable.
She come to me and again lied.
We went to car and start driving but i couldn’t able to forget the scene i just witness.
Why y/n??
Why did you lied?
Who is he to you?
I Couldn't stop think all possibilities.
I started feel weired but heart broken.
The pain is unbearable.
If i had to feel broken why she made me feel loved again.
A tear rolled Down from my eyes.
I hurriedly brushed it off before y/n could see.
I focused on the road.

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