(10) Determined x and x Deceived

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You three entered an open area, two blocks from the posters. A tall, powerful man stands at the edge of a fountain. He doesn't turn his head to you, but you all walk towards him. Maybe he has an idea of what this was. Hisoka seems on edge, there's something about his stance. His breathing changes in your keen ears. Your tail flicks as you look at the scene again. That's funny, nobody else is around. Something else to focus on, the buildings look old as hell. I mean, you knew Kirioko was an old town, but it had some population. You saw crowds of people along the streets, so why not here? Why hadn't any of the structures been undated?

The fountain bubbles as you reach the man. He addresses you in a graceful manner, bowing slightly. 

"You are here for the competition? At least I hope. You all look so eager..." His voice deepened a bit, "So familiar.."

"It seems nobody else wanted to come to my event. Are you sure you still want to participate?" He continued. 

His red cape drug behind him, like he was wearing a clipping of the red carpet. His motions were all precise, and planned. He looked like a movie, every action part of an interpretive dance.

Katsu let him know, eagerly, that this shit was on, "Who are we fighting? Each other or you?" He growled out, a certain excitement in his voice.

"I will." He hummed. 

You were a bit uncomfortable. This felt... Sketchy. "Who are you?" You asked tensely. The metal of your scythe rubbed against your shirt, and you could feel the winter in the air. "And what style?"

"My name is Akane Fujio." He sits on the edge of the fountain, and you can hear the bubbling of cold water behind him. "And you'll be fighting to the death. For your life, now." 

A growl came from Katsu, and he was grinning. "Bring it on!" He lunged.

The mysterious Akane held out a hand, and Katsu stopped with a sigh. "One on one." He spoke with a smile back.

Hisoka was agitated beside you. You could almost smell it. A smell of anger. You cat nose knew what that meant. You thought of mother again... Your apprehension only grew.

"Hisoka, I don't plan on fighting you, as our mindsets are too similar.." His lips curled to smile, and his voice was toying. "You have potential, unlike your little toys you like to declare so. Is this one new? I can tell you're fond of it." He uttered the words potential and it with mocking emphasis.

The air was spiked with a yell, and Hisoka's long nails reached up for Akane... But that was all you could remember.

Now, you were in front on Akane, and he was on the ground on his feet. The fountain was behind you now. He was in a casual stance..

You couldn't sense Katsu or Hisoka around. When you tried to turn your head around to look, it felt locked in place. No matter how hard you tried your head was stuck in place, but the rest of you was shaking and moving. You tensed.

"Oh dear, intimidated? I'm letting you have the first attack, by all means, please relax." His cape fluttered with a fabric sound behind him. The wind brushed against your skin, and you couldn't tell if you felt cold or warm. His dark, pink-tinted hair flew around.

You unclipped you weapon and swung it over your head in circles. The metal made a SHING sound in the air, and you pushed it forward with your momentum, straight at his abdomen.

He dodged with a whoosh, and suddenly Akane Fujio had slid forward on his shiny black boots and his casual smile was at your feet. His body was sliding so low he looked like he was almost lying down. The sensation was lacking, and you felt impresent when his foot clicked against yours, and you fell backwards on the ground. 

Meow~ [Hisoka x M!Reader] Masc. (/x oc???)Where stories live. Discover now