40. An Unwanted Parental Presence

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"How long?"

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"How long?"

"A few minutes, maybe ten," Alice answered.

"The pack needs to leave," Carlisle urged.

Edward and Bella stopped behind the Cullens, who were burning all the bodies of the newborns in a large bonfire. Lizzie raced to a stop a few feet behind them with Seth only a couple of steps behind her.

Damon appeared in front of Lizzie and grabbed at her arms. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt? I swear, if you and Edward didn't kill that redheaded bitch, I would have-- "

"Damon," Lizzie stopped his words with her hands on his shoulders. "I'm fine, okay?"

"Liz!" Dean's voice sounded.

It caught Lizzie's attention instantly and with a quick kiss on Damon's cheek she pushed past the Salvatore and ran up to her brother.

"Dean, you did great!" she praised him. "I'm really proud of you," she muttered and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

Dean melted into his big sister's embrace with his head on her shoulder. He was really scared he'd mess up and lose control or even worse, accidentally hurt someone that wasn't a newborn. But Jasper was right, he was fine.

Lizzie broke away from Dean and took his hand in hers as the two walked over to the rest of their family.

"Is everyone okay?" Lizzie asked.

"We're fine, kitty," Carlisle reassured. "But the wolves need to leave now. The Volturi won't honor a truce between our kinds."

"Yeah," Lizzie agreed.

She turned her head and saw Leah coming out of the clearing. She was looking for Damon and their eyes locked when she found him. Seth also caught the two's sight but before he could run up to either of them, Jacob appeared by his side.

"Jake," Lizzie said, breathing his name out in relief.

She smiled at her wolf and he took a large paw toward her but stopped short. Running out from behind a large rock came the last newborn. He stalked closer with Leah as his target, Leah growled at him and pounced to attack but he locked his arms around her middle and she struggled against the strength holding her.

"Leah!" Damon shouted.

"Leah, don't!" Edward yelled and left Bella's side.

Damon's vampire face started to show but as he raced up to her, Jacob intercepted them and tackled the newborn. He freed Leah from its grip and she fell to the ground with Damon and Seth instantly by her side. But she was fine, unlike Jake who was now rolling with the newborn until he had Jake in his grip.

"Jake!" Lizzie screamed.

Jacob's wolf whined as pain shot through his body, Lizzie was by him in a second as she ripped the vampire away from him. Jake fell to the ground and phased back into his human self as Sam and Jared burst through the clearing. Lizzie pushed at the newborn before flipping him into the air and watching as the wolves tore him to bits.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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