13. Family Reunions Suck Worse Than Baseball

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Lizzie should have known better than to leave Bella and Dean alone in their hotel room

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Lizzie should have known better than to leave Bella and Dean alone in their hotel room. She cursed herself over and over as Alice and Jasper called Edward to tell him. Bella and Dean were missing. She should've stayed behind but the place was full of people and Jasper was battling. But even so, she knew the Chief's daughter and the young hunter had reckless natures to them and Lizzie should have anticipated this happening.

"We'll find them," Jasper reassured, trying to keep his sister calm.

"I don't doubt that Jasp, it's if we find them in time that I'm worried about."

It took time but they finally found the right ballet studio. Edward was thrown into a mirror spraying shards of glass everywhere as James bit Bella. Lizzie ran in and shoved the tracker off of her friend. The rest of the family arrived a second later as she crouched down in front of Bella while Emmett and Jasper circled James.

Bella was screaming in pain and it was making Lizzie wince, she looked away from her friend only for her gaze to find something new to focus on. She saw a man huddled in the corner of the studio he was bleeding from his hands and a cut on his temple, but he was still alive and conscious.

Lizzie wasted no time in speeding over to him as her brothers carried on fighting James. "Who are you?" she asked the man. She saw the green in his eyes as they widened but from shock or fear, she wasn't sure.

"Sarah?" he asked, his voice was rough and gravelly as he spoke and for some reason, Lizzie flinched.

"No, my name's Lizzie. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you but you have to keep still, okay? You're bleeding quite badly and I don't need you to become a distraction," she said as she glanced back at the fighting.

Laurent mentioned that James was a tracker, but what the nomad vampire forgot to say was that he was extremely fast too. Faster than Edward, who was the fastest in the household. He slipped away from Emmett's arms and ducked Jasper's grab for him. He evaded her brothers' attempts like a graceful dance before flinging Jasper across the room and kicking Emmett down with ease.

Immediately, Lizzie was on her feet and over at Bella. She noticed Dean across the room unconscious but knew she could only protect one at a time, so she stayed put. Planting herself firmly in order to protect the writhing human, whose screams of pain were now worse than before. The venom was colliding within Bella's bloodstream and Lizzie knew from personal experience just how painful that could be.

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