15. Prom Advice And A Princess Dress

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Lizzie was finally back at school

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Lizzie was finally back at school. Naturally, everyone stared and everyone had questions but she assured them she was fine, perfectly fine. After rejecting the fourth guy to ask her to prom before lunch even arrived, Lizzie sighed in annoyance before joining her siblings in the cafeteria.

The rest of them joked and laughed about how cruel and cold-hearted she was shooting everyone down without a second thought. But to be fair her brothers were more than relieved by the notion. Truthfully, they knew she was capable of looking after herself and that an inevitable relationship was soon to follow one day, but still, Lizzie was their little sister, being overprotective was in their job description.

Which, talking about overprotective brothers, Dean was still stuck at home. They made up a cover story with Charlie that he took off with his dad and he'd be back in around a month or two, thankfully the Chief bought it. Carlisle was more than confident that with how well Dean was adjusting and how well he was doing around Bella when she visited, that the Winchester could be back at school after the summer break. His control was better than any newborn Jasper had ever seen excluding, of course, Lizzie, who was practically not a vampire when she first woke up.

And putting aside all of the family chaos that was just sprang upon the Cullen's out of nowhere, Lizzie was more than happy with everything. She was even promising Alice and Rosalie she'd attend prom, which she was planning on until Jake had proposed other ideas. Carlisle had kept good on his word to not think of Lizzie and Jacob around Edward and she made sure to do the same. No one but Carlisle, Esme, and Bella knew what was going on. Lizzie wanted to at least have one of her brothers know but decided against Emmett and Dean, neither of which could keep their thoughts to themselves. So, Jasper, it was when she had time.

Sitting down in her room, Lizzie was doodling with a sketch when her phone rang. She reached over to grab it and sighed when she saw it was Sam. With everything going on between Dean-duty and school, her littlest brother was left alone, aside from sometimes having Bella as company. Lizzie wanted to spend more time with Sammy, but then she knew what he really wanted; a one-way trip to Dean, which wasn't going to happen until Dean got complete control. And Lizzie agreed with that, which then led to once every two days, Sam blowing up her phone. She would either tiptoe around him or get one of her siblings to answer, preferably Emmett, who would talk the young boy's ear off about the exact opposite of what he wanted.

This time, Lizzie decided to answer.

"Hey, Sammy."

"Hi, Lizzie. I need your help."

"My help?" Lizzie asked, setting her sketchpad down and straightening up in her chair.

"Yeah, I... uh, I would normally ask Dean what to do but I know you won't let me see him," Sam said, sounding down about the topic but obviously nervous about the help he needed.

"I know, I'm sorry, kiddo. But whatever it is I'm sure I can help," Lizzie reassured him. "And if I can't I have three brothers and two sisters willing to help."

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