22. Heartbreak Freaking Sucks

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"Hey, Jake, it's me again

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"Hey, Jake, it's me again. I feel like I haven't stopped calling you for weeks now. Bella said you cut your hair. And got a tattoo. I was just calling to say hi, see how you were doing. You know, because I'm your girlfriend. Your girlfriend who's worried sick. It's our anniversary and we never decided on a date or anything really... Look, I just really want to hear your voice, Jake. Please pick up the phone."

Lizzie left the voicemail on Jacob's phone. It had been a week since they last spoke and, of course, Sam kept her updated. Jake had shifted. He was a ginormous wolf and she understood the distance he was trying to keep from everyone. Sam did the same. But they were miles away, states even, and it was a goddamn phone call, all he needed to do was answer it.

Bella and Sammy phoned too, both telling her the same thing, that Jake had been avoiding them since the movies. He wouldn't talk to either of them and refused any and all calls. Billy made up the excuse of it being mono and Bella believed it, for the first couple of days that is. But Lizzie knew better.

During the next two days leading up to their anniversary, Damon and Dean tried everything to distract her. Caroline and Elena even took her shopping and they knew it was bad when Lizzie just let them. Bonnie and Stefan tried too but no amount of jokes and distractions helped.

Friday rolled around and despite what she said, Lizzie slipped on one of Rebekah's dresses and waited for the call that never came. She changed into her jeans and flannel and threw her high heels out of the window. She wasn't just upset, she was pissed. She sat alone in the Mikaelson house eating her favorite cupcakes and drowning her sorrows in sugar and blood.

She was adamant in ignoring everyone, especially the jerk who stood her up. But then her phone rang. She scrambled off her bed and grabbed for it. She wanted to hate him but couldn't. Lizzie answered the call at lightning speed, cursing herself for how weak she was but right at that moment she didn't care. She was happy.


"Elizabeth... " Jacob paused. Something was wrong, he never called her Elizabeth. Ever.


"Don't---don't call me again, Lizzie." Jacob's voice faltered at the start but then grew hard at the end. "We can't be together. I don't think I can be, I don't want to be, I can't be with a leech like you."

"What, a leech like me? You aren't serious? Jake?"

"I'm really so---"

Lizzie heard someone call Jacob's name in the distance.

"Just don't call me again, Lizzie. Never again. We're done. And it'll probably be easier if you don't come down for Summer break."

Dean saw the door to the boarding house open later that night. He saw his sister's face and his frozen heart broke. She was crying with tears streaming down her face. Bucky, who was accompanying her was barking something furious. Dean didn't say anything and neither did Damon, who came into the room a second later. Both boys shared a look as Lizzie collapsed to her knees. Dean was by her side and Damon was kneeling in front of her cupping her face in his hands with a worried expression. After minutes, her eyes finally met his.

"I want to go home," Lizzie whispered.

"Okay," Dean said as he hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head. "We'll leave first thing in the morning."

"No," she shook her head. "I want to go home now."

"Liz... "

"I got it," Damon told her brother. "Come on, baby Cullen, I've got you." He picked her up bridal style and sat her on the couch. "Give me ten minutes then we hit the road."

Silence enveloped the Salvatore house and all Lizzie did was close her eyes as more tears cascaded down.


It took all night and even another day but finally, they were in Alaska at the Denali's place where the Cullen's were staying.

Dean stayed behind in Virginia via Damon's orders. He knew Lizzie didn't need a thousand questions of what happened and that was exactly what Dean was going to do if he came with. So, instead, he'd meet up with them in a couple of days.

Damon knocked on the door and Jasper answered it. He was the only one home at the moment with everyone else hunting. He took one look at his sister and frowned. Lizzie's emotions were overwhelming sadness with only a small feel of anger.

"What happened?"

"What does it look like, soldier?" Damon retorted. "Heartbreak. She wanted home and now she's home."

Instantly, Lizzie was slamming into Jasper's embrace for comfort. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Jasp. You were right." But in this case, that was one thing he didn't want to hear. His arms wrapped around her as she cried. He wanted to be wrong in this instance, he wanted to be so wrong. He wanted to be wrong about vampires and wolves, he wanted to be wrong about them being natural enemies. But most of all he wanted to be wrong about her and Jake not making it. Instead, he was right. And because of it, his sister was having the worst heartbreak of her existence. She deserved all the happiness in the world but this was the reality.

He sent her wave after wave of calm. Just trying to get her to stop crying but she wouldn't. Not even his gift was helping and that's when he realized. La Tua Cantante. His heart broke at the very thought. Damon shook his head as if telling Jasper he tried it all and nothing he did worked either.

It was only when the rest of the family came home did Lizzie find a bit of calm. She left Jasper's arms for Edward's. He was only in Alaska for a week and he was pleasantly surprised that his sister was too. He walked through the door and saw Lizzie crying, her eyes red and her cheeks tear-stained. But she wouldn't let him in her head, she refused to.

"Lizzie, please, tell me what's wrong," Edward begged when they were alone in his room. Just the two of them sat at the piano's seat.

"I won't tell you," she shook her head. "And I don't want you to read my mind either, so please don't ask. I just... I need you to be my brother, okay? I just need you to be here for me right now. Can you do that?"

"Of course I can," he sighed, kissing the top of her forehead. "I'm your brother and you're my sister. You and me. That's it."

"Thank you," Lizzie whispered and rested her head against his shoulder.

"No gifts, but how about a song?"

"I'd like that."

Edward lifted his hands and placed his fingers on the piano keys, softly he started to play the song he wrote for Lizzie when they first met. She smiled weakly and listened.

To Start Over.

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