Inner Carnage

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Recently for a few days now, Gyutaro has been acting quite cold towards Rasshu and she's confused as to why to be completely honest... Maybe it was because of her fourth form attempt, or maybe it was because he was jealous of Sakonji?... though thinking back on it, when it comes to Gyutaro, she has noticed that he becomes very protective and jealous when she is near anyone of any gender... But nothing to this extent... Frustratedly, the hashira stress walks around her manor as she has nothing else to do in the meantime. Starting to worry more, she starts to think up possible reasons to why her precious demon is distancing himself from her... Maybe was it because she didn't trust him joining her on her last mission... maybe he was jealous of someone like usual... maybe... maybe he's falling out of love...? No no no, Rasshu thinks to herself as makes a strained growl! Trying to calm down, she heads for her office and begins to write a letter to her good friend Daki, to hopefully keep her mind off of the problem at hand...

"Dear Daki,

Ueegh... I'm having the hardest time right now... I'm sure I told you about my partner but im kinda feeling like he's mad at me... For some reason he's been acting distant from me, not wanting to see me or talk to me... I have no idea what I did wrong so I wonder if he's just having a hard time with something else? Maybe... I just wanted to ask you if you've dealt with anything like that before... and yes... I know your profession kinda interferes with that stuff but I know that you have a current relationship with someone! Gruehuehue... I think it's quite cute how you try to hide it, to be honest with cha! But still, I think I'm just worrying too much... actually im gonna try and find him so we can talk things out..."

Rolling up the paper, Rasshu fits the letter in a plastic tube and sends her special crow off to Daki's place... Watching the bird fly amongst the pink sky... She looks at the time, as she slings her katana across her back and clicks her bag onto her waist while stuffing something in it! She'll never know when an ambush is going to happen so it's always safer to do this... Even if your bodyguard is one of the strongest demons out there! Rasshu chuckles to herself as she departs into the forest behind her manor... She has a slight idea of where he might be hiding away and that's the cavern next to the waterfall. She catches him hanging out in there from time to time so she decided to pretty up the area for him... Walking as the grass and leaves crunch beneath her sandals, she makes it to the waterfall. It's nighttime but the moon shines brightly along with the hints of fireflies blinking like stars which tempts Rasshu to reach out toward the fascinating bugs... She smiles gently as she walks past the red lilies and then out of pure delight she runs her hands through the flowers, prompting them to glow faintly... Meanwhile, deep in the cave, Gyutaro claws his chest begrudgingly as he lets out a low groveling sound alerting the hashira! Gently walking into the dark cave, she calls for the demon to come out and stop avoiding her... it's been a whole week since he's talked to her and she can feel that something has been bothering the poor demon... she's worried about him...

Suddenly, with a gust of speed, as Gyutaro stands just a few feet from the hashira, revealing the tall lanky demon with fresh claw marks all over his chest and face! Rasshu looks at him agitatedly as she grabs his hand and forces him outside! Dragging the dull-eyed demon to the pond, she sits him in the water as she wafts the fresh cool water across his self-inflicted claw marks... With a look of disappointment, Rasshu scolds Gyutaro for clawing himself so much, letting it be known that she doesn't care if he's a demon, she rather not have him claw himself 24/7 as it's a bad habit to have! But Gyutaro remarks coldly about her own secret "Self inflection" habits, which makes her reel back in shame! With a red face, she hides her hands from Gyutaro's view as her habit is left unrevealed... but while Gyutaro sits in the shallow water while Rasshu watches his regeneration take place, she sighs heavily as she looks down on the hunched demon...

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