Where the Waterfall Lilies Lie

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Shifting side to side, the Bravery Hashira opens her eyes to see Daichi changing her bandages... Dazed and confused she glances at her stomach area to see her side fangs exposed and with the breeze wafting against her bare face she thinks to herself "did he take off her mask too?" She panics for a short while until Daichi looks toward the female slayer stating that he wasn't scared by Rasshu's unique side fangs as they fitted her quite perfectly... Now that she was awake, Daichi informed her that he shamefully sent her on a mission that she was not prepared for, believing that the reports were of a lower demon... but no... he sent her to fight one of the highest-ranking demons; Douma... Daichi's smile sinks as he recalls one of the female Hashiras that died at the hands of that same cruel demon when he first started out as the demon slayer leader... He was so young when he found out about her death, and it was the first death that he ever felt responsible for... The few recorded accounts of Douma's fighting style left shivers down the leader's spine as he didn't want to think that one of his hashira's probably faced such a dehumanizing fate... Rasshu's eyes narrowed as she tried to remember her encounter and then her memories flooded back! She recalls that she was nearly standing from the sheer cold he emitted as she was solely relying on her breathing style to keep her body functioning... but when she went to attack him, his power seemed so much different as he easily flipped her around and thrashed her about violently... The power switch was so jarring that she was sure that she was fighting the devil himself . Soon enough she could remember seeing blood spill from her mouth as her vision blacked out like an old television being unplugged, damn she didn't even last a minute against him, did she?... Thinking to herself questioning if the demon was toying with her this whole time, she grimaced as she realized that the demon's expression, his smile was one of pure bliss and innocence... Disgusted by that fact, her face scrunches up but then she thinks out loud... "how am I here now... Daichi... did you save me?". Finishing up exchanging her bandages for fresh ones, he sits up straight as he calmly states that some stranger managed to rescue her. remarking that this said stranger was a strong and brave one indeed, saving her from such a high-ranked demon like that!

Left in a blank state, the hashira stares at the ceiling above her head as her heart begins to thump loudly! Someone saved her from such a strong demon like Douma...? Daichi chuckles at Rasshu as her exposed fangs start to clench down along with the strong hints of red showing on her face... Daichi's eyes close as he giggles thinking to himself, "Rasshu is adorable like this! Getting comically flustered by the mere thought of someone saving her? wow... no wonder she fell for something like that demon!" Seeing the hashira's childlike reaction seems to put Daichi at ease as Rasshu starts to pester the young man about who saved her, what did he look like, what did he sound like, did he seem cool? Daichi waves off her questions for being unnecessary and silly as he returns back to his cushion nearing the outside of the porch... Prompting Rasshu to stubbornly make her way next to her leader, Daichi offers to join him in a casual meditation session as they sit in silence. They both sit next to each other, both knowing very well that Rasshu doesn't actually know how to meditate. But regardless the master sits calmly taking in the silence as Rasshu stares into the vacant sky watching pink petals flowing in the wind... with one red petal landing on her leg, she looks at it and mimics her leader as they both meditate.

A month later, Rasshu is seen back at her mansion as she dawns a medical corset before slipping her Hashira uniform on... Carefully walking around her building, she boredly wanders the empty halls lugging a bag on her shoulders. Making her way outside, she sets her bag down on the ground and sits beside it, taking out a plethora of art supplies... Sketching her surroundings, she sulks as she waits for something to happen but it has been weeks since Daichi sent her on a mission, opting to drop all of her missions on the other hashira instead! Rasshu begrudgingly scoffs Douma's name in anger wishing she could've finished him off but she holds her lower back in angst, knowing that she was far too weak to defeat that man... boredly, she begins to hum out a sweet tune until soft footsteps are heard... Shutting up immediately, Rasshu glares at the footsteps until an average height man shows up wearing a kimono, Daichi! Finally seeing someone, she gleefully waves at master Daichi, accidentally flicking fresh ink on her drawing! Flashing an annoyed look at her art, she goes back to looking at Daichi as he slowly approaches the nerfed hashira. Sitting down in the dirt next to her, Daichi sincerely apologizes again for closing her classes as he feels that she is in no shape to teach such strenuous forms, but Rasshu shrugs it off acting like getting injured is a normal thing for her, at this point. Looking at her art piece, Daichi knows that Rasshu isn't used to sitting still for so long and it's probably making her feel some type of way when her jobs had to be done by her peers... So Daichi hands her a scroll as he explains that he may not allow her to partaken in dangerous missions anytime soon but she can still do important missions in the meantime. She opens the scroll as it contains the picture and description of a weird-looking plant and with a piercing glare, Rasshu questions Daichi about this plant... He smiles as he teaches Rasshu about this plant, this plant is a rare herb that is used to aid strong poisons and sicknesses. Though this poison doesn't work on his particular disease, he still needs this herb so he can treat the many demon slayers that get injured during missions... Rasshu nods as she asks where she can find this particular plant as it seems familiar to her in a way... This lily herb is a spindly plant that grows at the base of a waterfall but before Rasshu counters him, he immediately states that Sakonji's estate doesn't have any of them so don't try looking there... He actually came to Rasshu specifically because she's the one hashira who spends her free time exploring the lands around here, sending a side glare as he hints that he knows of Rasshu's "slacking problem"... So if anyone knows where this herb might be located, it would be her, wouldn't it? With a dull tired stare, Rasshu peers at Daichi believing that his words were just made up to get her to take this bullshit mission, but she takes it regardless knowing that he just wants her to cheer up.

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