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Rising with the morning sun, a small cool mist shrouds the lion's manor as the soft rays gently touch Rasshu's face... Stretching her fangs, the Bravery Hashira lets out a sweet-sounding yawn as she ruffles up her hair... A few weeks have passed since she came back from that hefty mission of hers as she eagerly awaits a letter from her friend; Daki. Hoping that she's ok without her cool slayer friend protecting her while she works at night, Rasshu blows it off as she knows Daki can hold her own just fine without her. Rising up from her bed, she cleans her room up, peering outside to see if any of her students decided to show up. Looking down onto the field she scans the empty grounds below, she wonders why no one is here until she remembers, that today is an official off day for the demon slayer corps as a whole! A day that Daichi enforces to prevent everyone from overworking themselves, making Rasshu think about Sakonji and his dreadful reaction to this day in particular... Rasshu thinks to herself, Sakonji may be calm and relaxed but it's a far cry from his mentality towards training and work! That's where Rasshu and he differ greatly as Rasshu tends to indulge in unnecessary silly activities like sleeping, playing childish games, getting lost in the woods... the woods! Then that decides it since the hashira cant teach her students today, she might as well go walk among the woods that surround her manor as she hasn't done it in a while...explore more uncharted land...

Wrapping up her fangs, she smiles happily as she strikes a pose in the mirror before going out of the restroom. Putting on a black and golden-like Hakama Kimono, Rasshu places her katana on her bedroom wall as she fixes her broken one to her side. All demon slayers need to have at least one type of weapon on their bodies at all times, as it is a safety precaution for them and the others around them! Finally taking a step outside, the mist wafts around the hashira as she smiles from the cool feeling of the light atmosphere surrounding her! With the mist slightly covering the landscape ever so slightly, she begins to walk into the woods behind her house, enjoying the sounds around her. Walking down a narrow dirt path, she hadn't been down this path to be completely honest but she knows that the dirt path will eventually connect to another piece of hashira-owned land... Now that the hashira thinks about it, she hardly knows anything about the other hashiras... There's still that electric one that Sakonji hangs out with sometimes, but he seems really loud and foreboding from what Rasshu can recall; he's very short, pretty fast, and very mean when things don't turn out right! Finally, the Bravery Hashira sweats, remembering why she's not friends with him, as she recalls calling him a midget just to get her ass kicked in by the furious man, fun times... and the other pillar, the flame one... he's quite cute but Rasshu hits her hand as she remembers that he has a wife, who is also quite good looking too! But he's been starting to get aggressively depressed recently, leaving Rasshu wondering what must've happened as she starts to ponder, she's never seen that Hashira happy before but this depression thing is weird... Rasshu really only heard stories about his strong personality from the many talks that she and Daichi used to partake in. So he must've been a really respectable dude but all she's been exposed to was a grumpy man that slacks off now regularly... wonder what changed...?

Caught in thought she soon trips over an exposed tree root, scrapping her face on the ground! In shock, the hashira frantically gets up as she looks up to notice... she strayed off the damn path while thinking about all of the relationships she maintains, which is just 3... but its more than she thought she'd have, to be honest! Still, on the ground, she lets out a loaded sigh cursing her awkwardness and her direct ways... She's always had this problem where she'd be so direct that it'd make her seem like an asshole, but only a few select people put up with her shit, Sakonji her closest friend, Daichi the sweet boy that oozes "must protect" energy, and Daki the sassy one.... But soon, the hashira starts to tilt her head in confusion as she starts wondering why Daki seems to enjoy her as a friend? Maybe she could feel her strong sense of protective tendencies? Maybe it's just out of pity? It's probably out of fucking pity... Rasshu lifts her head as she catches a glimpse of rain clouds starting to cover the sky above, making the forest a bit darker than usual as it begins to drizzle! Rasshu slowly feels the raindrops on her head, and already giving up on staying dry, she gets up and starts to look for the dirt path. Strolling calmly as the rain falls onto the hashira who's clearly lost as she strays further into the forest! Ultimately she finds a waterfall as she and she glances at a small cavern to the side! There could be a bear or any aggressive animal in there as she hesitates to enter but then a loud booming of thunder and lightning crashes behind her changing her mind instantly as she hurriedly jumps into the cave... With her blade unsheathed, she walks deeper into the cavern, scoping its perimeters to confirm its empty... Exploring the crevices, the cave seems to be small and empty with no signs of life expect for the insects that crawl around the walls... Soon the rain gets stronger as a storm sets in, keeping the already soaked Hashira within the dryness of the cave. Listening to the rain, Rasshu spots a small green creature crawling towards her trying to escape the storm; a mantis... A bit unnerved, Rasshu glares at the bug but ultimately she allows the bug to chill alongside her.

KNY Fanfiction - The Last Breath of BraveryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang