Gyutaro Shabana

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Rasshu and Daki argue with each other as they begin to throw insults at one another, until Rasshu just gets so riled up that she leaves the room, leaving Daki alone once more! listening for the front door of the brothel to click, Daki looks outside at the moon above, watching the hashira angrily walk away... As she watches her friend leave, her body starts to wriggle and writhe as a large, lanky figure crawls from her spine! A tall and unsightly demon groans tiredly as he leans against the wall of Daki's room, clawing his neck annoyingly. Daki looks at the demon with a strong glare as she closes and locks her door. Facing the demon in full, she asks why he finally decided to show up after his month-long VACATION, Does he not care about his sister anymore!? The demon sighs as he reluctantly admits that Daki's "Boyfriend" lowkey stole his job of protecting his precious little sister if she hasn't noticed! Daki furiously blushes as she corrects her big brother's misconception; Rasshu is NOT her boyfriend! Hell, Rasshu is a girl, first of all! And even if she wanted to date someone, that dense Hashira is the last one she'd consider! Daki then gets antsy as she closes in on the lanky demon, demanding why he hasn't been going off killing any citizens as of lately as he knows that eating humans is the main way to grow stronger!

The tall demon looks down on his sister as he hits the top of her head calling her an idiot! That hashira "GIRLfriend" of hers that she cares so much about is only here to kill THEM!? If he gets caught while the hashira is here, then he will have no choice but to gut that hashira, regardless of Daki's opinion! Then with a sly remark, the lanky demon jokes about how he has dibs on the hashira's heart just so Daki can't have it! Daki's body twitches as she hears her brother's threats toward her only friend, and she punches his chest in defiance! She starts to whine as she curses her brother's name; Gyutaro Shabana! Finally, she threatens to make him pay if he dares to even try to kill the hashira, telling him to just hide from her or something, prompting Gyutaro to glare annoyingly at his little sister... It seems like Daki favors the awkward but naive personality of Rasshu to the point that she considers her a pretty important friend... but Gyutaro seems to be unfazed by the Hashira as a whole... though to be honest, he only seems to know whatever Daki tells him from time to time since he's been dormant for quite a while... Still, Daki makes Rasshu seem like a pretty stupid piece of shit if she were to ask him... Hell, she can just get another person to boss around if times get tough!

Leaning toward disposing of the Hashira, he tells his sister that he might kill off the hashira just to make sure they both stay safe but Daki starts to whimper as she grabs his red fabric scarf, tearing up as she cries for Gyutaro to not kill her friend! Gyutaro's eyes grow annoyed as Daki's shrill voice pierces his ears, so eventually and reluctantly he promises that he won't "Kill" the hashira ... To her cute delight, she hugs her brother as he goes back into hiding, slowly being reabsorbed by the younger sister... Sitting alone now, Daki smiles to herself as her demonic ribbons wiggle with delight as she sings that maybe Rasshu leaving is a good thing after all... Daki will just have to visit her every blue moon right? Right!

A few days pass as Rasshu sits perched atop a tall building, the hashira stands under the cover of night, looking down on the city that she is the guardian over... Her moving day was a few days ago but she lost track of time as she glances over at the brothel where Daki works at... She hasn't actually spoken to her friend ever since their little argument and Rasshu has a track record of not having many friends already... She looks at the building with a troubled expression as she imagines Daki resenting her for leaving without spending time with her bestie before she left! Thinking hard about it, writing off the demon claims as a hoax, she shrugs her shoulders and walks towards the brothel to spend her last bit of time trying to reunite with the sassy lady! But as she makes her way to the building, a strong yell is heard in the direction of Daki's place, alarming the relaxed hashira! Jumping straight into the action, she bolts towards the sound as she starts to worry for her friend's well-being, and when she finally arrives, her eyes fall upon a rich-looking man with slashes all across his body and rips adorning his fancy clothes! Rasshu butts her way into the crowd surrounding him as she takes out her spare bandages to stop his bleeding! The man hysterically grabs Rasshu's arm in pain as he angrily demands the hashira to stop his suffering! She holds a calm and comforting tone as she tries to get the man to calm down, threatening him that if he keeps yelling and thrashing that his heart will soon give out and just "pop" like a tiny fragile bubble. Repulsed by her sweet tone coupled with how she said that, the man staggers in his speech and grows silent as he sets his hand on his chest. Taking out a vial from her bag, she jabs the man's arm, watching the fluid drain into the man's system carefully... eventually the man lets out a soothing sigh as his pains are lifted, thanking the hashira for helping the pain...

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