"Robin?... As in the bird??"

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I was walking to the Grab-N-Go when someone bumped into me. I fell to the ground, scraping the palm of my hand. I hissed and blew on it before looking at who bumped into me. He had red hair and was wearing some dumbass shirt. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" He yelled before storming off. "Fuck off asshole!!" I yelled back before getting up and walking into the Grab-N-Go.

When I got inside, I quickly grabbed a pack of band-aids, a bottle of coke, and some snacks. As I got up to the counter, I saw a black haired boy frantically checking his pockets.

I gently tap his shoulder, he jumps a little then turns to me. "If you don't have enough to pay, I can cover the last little bit for you." I said, "Thanks, thanks a lot." He replied with a small smile.

I smile back before handing the cashier $5. After the boy got his stuff, the lady rung up mine, I paid, got my stuff and left.

When I walked out the Grab-N-Go, I saw the same boy who bumped into me with two others. All three of them looked stupid as hell so I just kept walking past. Once I got past them, I heard someone running.. towards me??

I quickly turn around, only to be pushed to the ground right after. I hissed as my butt and hands hit the ground with a loud thump, "What the hell man?!" I yelled at the red haired boy. "You bumped into me and called me an asshole earlier!" He yelled back.

I got up and looked at him with furrowed brows. His two friends came and stood on both sides of him (one of the left and one on the right). My eyes widened when I realized their intentions, 'They want a fight? I'll sure as hell give 'em one!!' I thought to myself as a small smirk appeared on my face.

"So you want a fight bastards? I'll surely give you one." I said cracking my knuckles. The red haired one seemed a bit intimidated, but stood his ground. "So, who wants to go first?" I asked with a mischievous smirk. "Not it!" The one with long dark brown/black (idk which one) hair and the one with curly light brown hair said. (I'm writing their appearances from memory bc I'm too lazy to find a picture so cut me some slack please 😭)

I walked up to the red haired boy and smiled in his face, "Guess you're it." I said, giggling to myself before backing up and punching him square in the face. "Holy shit!" He yelled holding his nose, "I'm gonna beat the living fuck out of you!" He shouted before running at me and attempting to punch me.

I laughed and grabbed his fist just as it almost hit my face, "Nice try ass face, you really thought you could beat me?" I said sarcastically, but then I noticed that his long haired friend came running at us. I quickly let go of the boys fist to dodge his friend.

I kicked the long haired one in the balls before turning my attention to the other two. The brown curly haired one was now on my left and the red haired one was on my right. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Now boys.. This isn't very fair, three.. well, two against one isn't very nice!" I said.

"I don't give a fuck about being ni-" The red head stated before getting cut off by the black haired boy, I saw in the store, punching him in the nose. A loud crack was heard before blood started dripping from the red heads nose, now the long haired one was up and ready to fight again. "Two against three seems more fair." The long, black haired boy said while walking next to me and readying his fists.

The three ass hats who tried to fight me suddenly got wide eyes. "O-oh no! We weren't fighting this nice girl/boy/person, just helping them pick up their stuff i-is all!!" The fluffy brown haired one stuttered, as he and his friends got on their knees, picking up the stuff I dropped when I first got pushed.

I smiled as the red head got up and handed me the plastic bag that had my stuff in it. "Thank you." I said, smiling a fake smile. "Now scram! And if I ever see you fuck with them again, I fuck with you. Got it?" The long black haired boy said. "Got it Robin!" They all said in unison before running off.

"Pussies." I said to myself as I looked at the palms of my hands, slightly bleeding from me clenching my fists so hard. "Dammit.." I sighed before looking at the boy, "Thanks for helping me, you really didn't have to."

"It's not a problem, you paid for my stuff earlier. This is me paying you back in a way." He says smiling. "So, what's your name?" He asked, raising a brow curiously. "Y/n, what's yours?" "Robin." He replied confidently.

"Robin?.. As in the bird??"

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