♡Night Time Lover♡

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Vance's POV

I listened to Y/n's heartbeat as they slept, my head rested gently on their chest. I smiled to myself, the past few weeks of us dating has been the best. My smile faltered as I remembered the worst part, no one can know.

Y/n and I started becoming friends a few months ago but just recently started dating. They bumped into me in the hallway..

Flashback 3 months priorɞ~

Still Vance's POV

I walked through the crowded hallway. Kids of all ages parted for me to walk through since they didn't want to get beat up or have me yell at them. I smirked to myself, until I felt someone bump into me and the a loud clatter.

I looked down to see a person frantically picking up their stuff. I cleared my throat to gain their attention, once they looked up at me, a hint of fear and nervousness appeared in their eyes. They stood up slowly and muttered, "Sorry Vance.." and tried to walk away.

I grabbed their arms and turned them towards me. "Hey, I'm not done talking to you yet." I said before dragging them into an empty classroom and closing the door. "What's your name?" I asked while I stood in front of the door with my arms crossed. "What?" They replied, confusion evident in their tone. "I said, what's your name?" I repeated, more stern this time. "It's Y/n..why are you asking?" Y/n asked.

"I've never seen you around here before, but you sure as hell know who I am." I say, "Why haven't I seen you around here before??" I ask again. "I just moved here about a month ago, and I've seen you around. But people have told me to stay away from you since you're a "bad influence"" Y/n said, putting air quotes around 'bad influence'. I chuckle before walking up to them, "how about me and you skip the first few classes to get to know each other, hm?" I say, a soft smile appearing on my face.

They smiled at me and replied, "Sounds like a plan!"

Flashback End/Back To The Presentɞ~

I laugh quietly at the thought, Y/n used to be scared of me. Only because of the best things people said about me.. I sigh before I lift my head up and look out their window to see the stars shining brightly. I lay my back down on to their chest and listening to their heartbeat once again. The thought of having to hide our relationship keep going through my mind, we only have to hide it because of their parents. Y/n's parents don't like me because of how I'm in and out of jail, which we barely convinced them to let us be friends! But dating?? I'd never see Y/n again if they found out.

We can't be lovey dovey or do couple stuff during the day when people will see.

So, their Night Time Lover is what I will be <33

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