Desperate Souls

33 1 0

Thursday, November 28

Mr. Gold had called Emma to his shop so he could give her Graham's things, since he was renting one of Mr. Gold's apartments. Emma found him in the back of his shop, working with lanolin. After he expressed his condolences, he showed her Graham's stuff, like his jacket and a pair of walkie-talkies, but Emma didn't want to keep anything. In the end, he convinced her to take the walkie-talkies so she could play with Henry. 

After talking with Mr. Gold, Emma went looking for Henry and found him sitting at his castle alongside Angie

"How are you feeling today Henry?" Angie asked him, to with he responded by shrugging "Yeah, I hear you buddy" she said back, giving him a side hug

"Hey" Emma greeted them "I brought you something" she said giving him the walkies and sitting with them "Thought we could use them for Operation Cobra"

Henry took the walkie and said softly "Thanks"

"Oh, come on! What's up? You've been ducking me for weeks" Emma asked him

"I think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while" Henry explained "You don't play with a curse. Look what happened to Graham"

Emma looked sadly at her son "Henry, I told you, they did an autopsy. It's totally natural causes" she told him

"Okay, whatever. You don't believe. Good. That could keep you from messing with it and getting killed" he deflected

"You're worried about me?" the blonde wondered

"She killed Graham because he was good. And you two are good" Henry reasoned

"Henry-" Angie tried to comfort him, but he cut her off "Good loses, good always loses because good has to play fair. Evil doesn't. She's evil. This is probably best" he sighed and put down the walkie "We don't want to upset her anymore" he said before leaving

Once Henry was gone, Angie turned to her sister and sighed "God, I hate seeing him like that"

"Yeah, me too" Emma agreed

Angie saw then that Emma was still using the deputy badge and asked "So, how long until Storybrooke has a new Sheriff?"

Emma sighed "Actually, after two weeks of acting as Sheriff, the job's mine" she confessed

"Good, you deserve it" replied Angie

"I guess I should better get to the station then, change the badge" said Emma getting up

"Okay, I'll see you later at Mary Margaret's" replied Angie, also getting up

"Okay" Emma hugged her sister before going their separate ways

Emma went back to the Sheriff's Station, finally ready to take on the Sheriff's position. She was about to put on the badge, when Regina stopped her. Using her power as mayor, Regina fired Emma and informed her that Sidney Glass would be taking over the position as Sheriff.

Angry about losing her job, Emma went back home and started breaking the toaster while listening to some loud music. That's how Mary Margaret and Angie found her when they came home at 7:30 PM after shopping

"Toaster broken?" asked Mary Margaret upon entering

"It wasn't when I started with it" Emma said, starting to hit the toaster against the kitchen counter "Pretty sure it is now. I just needed to hit something" she explained

Angie knew immediately that her sister's behaviour could only be a response to a new problem with the mayor and asked "What did she do?"

Emma sighed, putting the toaster down "Regina fired me so she could put one of her own puppets in as Sheriff" she explained "That's my job" she said picking up the toaster and a knife

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