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"Sit, I'm sure you all have questions and I am the only one left to answer them." Magnus extended his hand towards Hope who hesitantly extended her arm but Hayley stopped her from touching the brunette. Magnus smirked chuckling at the hostility they were giving him, he did just dagger his sister as a first impression. "That is fair."

"Who are you? What do you mean that Enar is the one responsible of Caroline's death." Klaus wondered waving to take Hope away. Davina, Hayley, and Sage took Hope and left the room with no problems from Magnus. Arkin had lifted Nayla off the floor and left without another word, no doubt Nayla was already in a coffin. Rebekah, Kol, Finn, Elijah, and Klaus all sat down at the table keeping an eye on their new family member. Katherine on the other had left and came back with a small suitcase. "Where do you think you're going Katerina?"

"She is in debt with Enar." Magnus easily lied handing her a plane ticket and Katherine glared at him snatching it out of his hands. "Be nice sweetheart, before I ignore my brother and rip your heart out."

"After this, we are even." Katherine hissed and left without looking at Elijah or any of the Mikaelson's. Magnus smirked not turning around to watch her leave.

"I see that I am not odd, I always thought I was adopted. My mother a blonde, siblings, all blonde, eyes all blue. I was the odd one out, brown hair and brown eyes. I was different from them and now that I see you all gather here together, well it makes me feel better." Magnus smirked running a hand through his dark hair looking at Kol and Elijah. The only two Mikaelson's that had dark hair and brown eyes. "For your question, Klaus,  I am Magnus William Forbes. Second oldest...male, you know with Hope included. Also, mother isn't dead, we tell everyone that she is but she isn't. It's easier to explain what her state is, she is healthy and alive but not...responsive."

"So she's in a coma? For 90 years? A human cannot survive that long and vampire can't be in a coma." Rebekah scoffed and Magnus stared at her.

"So...Nayla's brattiness comes from you? That condescending voice, that is Nayla's. However, my sister is more childish and would be irrational, snapping the necks of  those that offend her and don't do what she says. Is that also from you?" Magnus frowned at Rebekah who was taken back at the lack of respect Magnus had. How dare he call her a brat! She's older than him and his aunt.

"How do we know you aren't lying? Using Caroline's name against me?" Klaus glared at him bringing his attention from his sister and Magnus stared at him.

"Temper. That is our temper, all of us have your temper, how depressing." Magnus glared back and et his tribrid features show. "You are the only original hybrid, the only that can produce a tribrid. Who else but you can be our father, also you should see Enar."

"We have heard much about your eldest, Enar, but we have no idea how he looks like." Elijah intervene making Magnus jump and look around until his eyes landed on Elijah. He kept starring at Elijah making Finn clear his throat.

"You look and sound like Enar, your hair, eyes, nose, and smile should be Klaus' but other than that you're my brother. The suit, the way you address someone, sure if you were more bloodthirsty and treated me with hostility instead of meditating that would make you Enar." Magnus blurted out still staring at Elijah.

"You saying, knowing Enar would be like knowing Elijah and Niklaus. Is he just a perfect mix of them?" Finn frowned looking at his two brothers that began to wonder how would a version of them together would be like. Elijah is the noble brother, one that shows mercy, Klaus is the one that creates chaos and shows no mercy. They were complete opposites, how would they mix together?

"Yeah, well it sounds weird when you say it like that. We are all different we aren't a mix of you and another family member. We have our own personalities and flaws, Enar likes secrets, not being kept in the dark but keeping others in the dark. He calls it protection, I call it control." He stated looking at them all and smiled. "Now out with it, your questions? Here you go a test that says you are our father."

"When did you take my blood?" Klaus growled snatching the paper and seeing that he is 99.9% the father. How could Caroline keep this from him? Why did she never told him about their children and his so called family members never told him about their discoveries. Katherine had information on them, she owed them. What did they do for her? "How is this possible?"

"Oh...well I guess this is why you have children. Well you see when a man and woman are reckless and feel desire for each other-"

"I know the process! It isn't what I meant! How could Caroline not tell me?" Klaus snapped making Magnus tilt his head and furrow his eyebrows.

"I always assume you knew but denied it. I suppose mother is the only one that could answer that." Magnus hesitantly explained to his father and his phone rang. Magnus held his hand up and answered it with a smirk. "Hello brother."

"I don't need your attitude." Enar responded back making the Mikaelson's stiffen at the new English accent that Arkin didn't posses and was clearly a males voice making it impossible to be Nayla's. She was also...unavailable. "Everything is secured, I got the call. I want you home."

"Of course, who am I to deny you." Magnus teased making Enar growl through the phone and Magnus rolled his eyes. "I'll just wrap things up with father and then leave, you know you get you personality from father and uncle? That is such a bore, I thought you were just a psycho."     

"Magnus, I do not care about them or their family. I only care about keeping our family safe, tell Hope she's welcome to join us if you see her." Enar stated and hung up making Magnus roll his eyes again over the dramatics his brother created. He looked at his father and stood up.

"Pleasure meeting you all, but our time has come to an end. We will not be seeing you ever again, tell Hope she is welcome to our home, she just needs to enter London and we'll know. I suppose this is good bye and good luck on whatever you do next, I have other business to attend to." Magnus waved and started to leave but Kol stopped him.

"You answer none of our questions, you were stalling, for what?" Kol smirked and Magnus sighed.

"Ugh, what do you want to know? We came here knowing that there was a tribrid, we believed to be the only ones and heard about Hope so we came here looking for her. We found her, found who our father was, Nayla flirted with our sister she, and us, are disgusted. Mother should have told us about her before that happened. Now we are all going to gather around to process all this information. Nayla is a brat she was going to stay with Hope if she didn't agree to come with us and Enar wouldn't have that so he send me to fetch the children. Now we can all go back to being all happy and separated." Magnus stressed, he was over the whole, who are you? Why are you here? Why now? Questions, he just wanted to go home.

"That's all? You were curios about Hope?" Finn blinked and Magnus just nodded and motion Kol to move. They couldn't believe it, they were truly children, they didn't send someone to do their bidding they personally came to satisfy their curiosity. Now like children they are going to pull away from the situation and process their feelings.

"Of course, as I said before. I'm leaving, give my love to sister!" Magnus waved his hand and left the compound without another word and the Mikaelson's all stared at each other wondering if they just lost the opportunity to get to know the new addition of the family. Klaus started to see the similarities of the three children, they were all Caroline's, he was glad they only took his look and temper.

"Klaus! They took Hope!" Hayley ran inside the room rubbing her neck and Kol went to see how Davina was. Finn went to Sage hoping she was ok. Klaus cursed and stood going to sent vampires after them.

He took that back, they weren't Caroline's. They were his.


So, hopefully this chapter doesn't confuse you, I didn't want to put the whole kidnapping thing I just wanted to show you that, Arkin and Nayla left. They are safe on the plane. Katherine went after them and is safe. Then somewhere in the conversation hybrids kidnapped Hope, Enar gave the all clear to Magnus and then he left. Hayley came marching in when Magnus, Katherine, Hope, hybrids, Arkin, and Nayla are all safe in the air. Guess the Mikaelson's have to go to England.

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