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Nayla and Arkin walked in the Mikaelson home. Hope glanced at the entrance and smiled wide. She was wearing a nice blue dress with silver earring and a necklace that had an M in the middle. Her hair was down in curls and had barely makeup on. Nayla on the other had was wearing a red pantsuit with smokey eyeshadow, and red lipstick. Her blonde hair was surprisingly cut short with soft curls. Enar was wearing black slacks, and red shirt to match with his sister. He didn't wear a tie and had unbutton the two top buttons of his shirt and dragged his feet as he walked. He really wanted to be anywhere else. Hope bounced over to them and hugged them. "Soo! Glad you two are here! Don't worry, I haven't told dad anything. I knew you two want to do that, he does want to ask about your mom. Also, we are missing some family members. Stefan is not here, I think Katherine said something about him helping our brother out at London. Marcel and Cami are also not here they said something about investigating a few dead vampires. Rebekah wants to know about Stefan and how he is doing as he is not answering his phone. Davina and Kol aren't really on speaking terms and she isn't welcoming to Arkin being here. Katherine is also not speaking to Elijah for some reason. No matter what Elijah does, he can't get Aunt Kat to speak to him. Finn and Sage have been talking quietly this whole time, they seemed to be planning something. Aunt Freya also couldn't make it as she had some witches drop dead for a strange reason. My mom and Jackson, my step-dad, are in the dinning room getting things ready while dad is painting."

"So happy to see you again, Hope. We are excited to meet your family properly" Nayla hugged her sister and shared a look with her brother. 

"It's your family too, silly." Hope giggled nudging Nayla and pulled the two blondes towards the living room. How annoying, Nayla and Arkin thought as they let themselves be pulled by Hope, the two did not destroy bloodlines to play the innocents. "Mom! Arkin and Nayla are here."

"Hi, welcome you two. Sit, dinner will be served in just a moment." Hope's mother, Hayley, forced a smile. Interesting, Arkin looked at his sister who let a brief smirk. Hayley wasn't welcoming to them, perhaps she had connected the dots. They haven't been careful about them after their little argument when Arkin was high on blood to stop his mouth. They had a circular table, Klaus was in between Rebekah and Elijah. Next to Rebekah was Hayley, Jackson, Finn, Sage, Nayla, Hope, Arkin, Kol, Davina, Katherine, Elijah and finally Klaus, completing the circle.

"Thank you for inviting us to your home, Mr. Mikaelson.  We have enjoyed our time here in New Orleans." Nayla started as they were served with dinner and wine, everyone was quiet making Nayla impatient for their questions and ready for her lies.

"Nayla and Arkin are leaving tomorrow afternoon. I was hoping to join them and see England?"Hope smiled at her father who paused and looked up at the revelation. "Nayla offered to show me around as I showed her around here. I always wanted to travel."

"Lovely idea, you should go. As long as I can go after a few days of letting you get familiar with the four of them." Kol smirked looking at the blondes who showed no emotion.

"You are all welcome to our home. However do inform us before stopping by...Enar might be occupied with...associates. We don't want to frighten you." Nayla said evenly impressing Klaus who was one of the few who noticed that Nayla was just being formal.

"If that's the case, I need to go meet with someone in Scotland. Mind giving me a ride? I know you never fly commercial." Katherine smirked, giving Nayla the sign that she agreed to sign the contract and get Stefan.

"Of course, Katerina." Arkin smirked at her and Hayley cleared her throat catching their attention.

"I'm hesitant to let Hope go as you mention before how...Enar had killed Nayla? What is that about?" Nayla didn't flinch like the last time but she did glance at Arkin who politely drank his wine.

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