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Nayla smiled at the Mikaelson's as she tried her phone again. Arkin was late. A late Arkin is not a good sign. Specially with the Mikaelson that lacked control over blood lust, she already heard all about the decapitated head of the bitch Audrey. She did not want to heard that the human population of New Orleans is now extinct. They were all sitting in the courtyard waiting for their missing family members. Hayley was looking at Nayla up and down like she knew something, making the blonde furious of her gaze. Jackson standing next to his wife wondering if he should go and look at nearby towns for Kol and Arkin. Nayla did not like secrets being kept from her and she did not like the looks everyone was giving her. Elijah was looking at her like a puzzle piece that needed to belong somewhere. Camille and Marcellus were the only ones looking at her normally but seemed nervous as they talked about the whereabouts of Kol. Davina was like Nayla, trying to get in touch with their missing family member. Katherine and Sage were trying to get Nayla's attention knowing that the girl worried too much of her sibling. Finn was reading, knowing that his brother had gone back to his old ways. Rebekah was on the phone trying to reach her husband, Stefan, since he had dissapeared for days now and she was getting worried. Something Nayla was calmed knowing his whereabouts, she was sure Enar would not let Stefan go, not unless he needed something from him. Klaus was getting impatient, already sent vampires, and werewolves to look for them, all came empty handed, they weren't in New Orleans. Freya and her wife Keelin were holding hands wondering what they can do, Freya already told her wife what she overheard from Kol, Sage, and Katherine's conversation. The only two besides Sage, Katherine, and Kol to have the quadruplets father confirmed. Not that the others knew of their discovery. Finally, the two troublemakers rolled in covered in blood and laughing.

"Can you believe the look on their face when you stabbed him?" Arkin smirked his jeans, shirt, shoes, face and even some of his blonde hair was drenched in red. Nayla stood and ran to her brother looking for any injuries he could have. "They really thought you wouldn't kill the sheriff!"

"You would have been a riot in the past! The screams, the blood, it was a never ending party!" Kol smirked throwing his arm around Arkin as Nayla grabbed a napkin and began to clean her brother's face. Davina stayed standing by her seat not knowing what to think, this was Kol, the old Kol before her and she had accepted it in the past. Since she knew he would never return to being that person but he's a vampire and he can and will go back to being the person she hated. She loves him, but she wasn't sure if she can love his blood thirst. He had changed for her, and now she's afraid that because of this "Caroline's" offspring would change him back. After all they were both vampires...something about Nayla's story did not make sense. How many are vampires? How many aren't? Wasn't Arkin the non-vampire? Perhaps it was time for a refresher.

"Where have you been? We had a dinner planned." Elijah was the first to speak as Kol lead Arkin to the alcohol and Nayla trailed after them trying to get her brother to listen to her about his appearance.

"Not interested." Kol rolled his eyes handing Arkin a glass that Nayla snatched from his hand and drowned.

"You swore you would not destroy towns. Remember? 20 years ago, you swore." Nayla pointed at Arkin accusingly, the blonde scoffed and glared at his sister reminding her of the prophecy. This was not only her brother, but her future killer if they don't get Hope to their side.

"So, Enar could destroy cities, and you support him with all your heart. But I destroy one town and you're on my arse! Talk about hypocrisy!" Arkin roared at Nayla making her jump and step away from him.

"Enar has his reasons, you do it because it's fun." Nayla weakly protested and Arkin couldn't hold his laugher. He grabbed Kol's shoulder trying to keep him from falling over as he laughed at his sister's face.

"Reasons? Reasons! When are you going to wake up! He commanded, not asked, commanded someone's death because she knew his secrets. She died for him, are you willing to die for him? Again?" Arkin pointed at Nayla who flinched at the word, again, something that made the Mikaelson's perk up. What did he mean by again? Arkin walked and snapped the leg of wooden counter making everyone in the room snap to action protecting Nayla from her brother. "Come on sister. Want to test if Enar would mourn you?"

"Stop it!" Hope got in between the siblings. Kol then knew that they had taken it too far and began to calm himself by cleaning his face first. Not daring to look at his wife, knowing that she was disappointed in him. "I do not know what it means to have siblings but surely this is not it. You don't try to kill each other! You don't threaten each other!"

The Mikaelson siblings looked at each other knowing that they have a long complicated history of trying to kill each other and Klaus' favorite pastime was to threaten his siblings. Katherine cleared her throat, the two Forbes looked at her. "They know your mother is Caroline, that is why Klaus invited you two to dinner."

"Why does Hope's father want with mother? As far as we know mother didn't know him." Nayla quickly lied, something she had mastered to pull off. She could convince anyone who heard her, all but her mentor, Katherine. Arkin took notice of Nayla's lie and played along with her, knowing that Enar would lock him up if he knew that Klaus knew of their relation.

"That's the thing." Hayley started looking at Klaus who looked at Nayla for the first time, she looked so much like Caroline, she was Caroline's daughter. He would protect her like his own, he glanced at Arkin and he could see Caroline's features in him. They were Caroline's children, they would have his protection and he will help them bring their mother back. "They knew each other many, many, years ago."

"I suppose if Mr. Mikaelson went to England on his travels they might have bumped into each other? Mother was a native, born and raised in London, never really been anywhere but England, unless you count Scotland." Arkin smirked at Nayla who laughed at her brother as if they were recalling memories of the past.

"That's not true...Caroline was born and raised in Mystic Falls, Virginia." Klaus whispered looking at the two blonde children as they shook their heads. Arkin seemed to be growing impatient as Nayla wrapped her arms around herself.

"No, mother would have told us if she moved. Mother kept no secrets, she always said-" Arkin paced around, Nayla wanted to applaud her brother. He was really selling their story, if she could only cry or seem more in distress.

"When truth and fairness are different from what is law, better it is to follow truth and fairness." Nayla whispered as a sacred prayer, knowing that the Mikaelson's would pick up on the old norse saying. "Mother would never keep secrets, that is not her."

"Who's your father?" Marcel spoke out making everyone look at him, he shrugged. "What? It's not like no else has been thinking it? Either this Caroline cheated on Klaus, or Klaus is their father."

"Mother never said." Nayla stared at Marcel wanting to snap his neck for suggesting her mother was unfaithful. The only unfaithful one here was Klaus, he had Hope, and pushed her mother away to be terrified of what he would do to them. "Not that we care who he could be. He left mother pregnant with us. She had to do everything alone, our grandmother, and the old lady next door was the only support she had. He never looked for her, or cared about our wellbeing."

"Perhaps it has been a long day. Let's go Nayla, we are done here." Arkin extended his hand towards his sister dropping the wooden stake, both knowing that it would do nothing to her. Nayla took her brother's hand and they walked away hand in hand. Hope secretly followed them while the household began to bicker about their identity and Kol's carelessness.

"Wait!" Hope yelled making the two blondes stop and stare at their half sister. What could she want? Did she figure it out? They gave more than enough hints, they had to be stupid if they haven't figure it out. Perhaps they needed confirmation? "Who are you! When I channeled you something felt familiar. I know you are lying about what you are, so tell me. Who. Are. You."

"The only person you can trust." Nayla answered her and then quickly left the girl alone in the street. Arkin and Nayla were her family, Hope realized. They were related, she knew it in her heart, but why did Nayla flirted with her? Why did her relative flirt with her? Did Nayla know all along? If not, when did she find out? Why didn't she tell her?

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