Caroline Forbes wondered how she got to this point. If she had to blame someone she would blame the Salvatores. But even she knew it wasn't fair for her to blame them for her decisions. It was graduation. The dreadful graduation that she not only thanked Klaus for saving her life and giving Tyler his freedom but also slept with him. He promised her to turn her into a vampire whenever she was ready and stupidly she told him that she was done with curiosity. She slept with Klaus, they were "living together" for two weeks before Caroline had to go back home and he had to return to New Orleans. She promised to go to him when she was ready to become a vampire and they left it at that. Both lived their lives until she started to feel sick, and her period hadn't arrived. Then there was talk, witchy talk, about a baby in New Orleans. Caroline called Klaus and he confirmed it, he got Hayley pregnant, angry that he didn't tell her she told Klaus to erase her number and hung up. She didn't mean to be a homewrecker so she hid her pregnancy from Klaus. Her mom became the only person to know and he helped her get out of Mystic Falls, away from her friends that would tell her to terminate her pregnancy.

"You have everything?" Liz asks to help her daughter place her final bag in her car. Liz knew her daughter had everything, all they needed was more money to let her live comfortably.

"Yes, I have everything. Are you sure you can't come with me?" Caroline looked terrified. She wanted her mom to be with her but she also knew that if both of them leave everyone would question it. Especially Klaus Mikaelson, and the vampires he sent out to watch over her. Vampires had to snap their necks in order to make this possible.

"You know I can't." Liz sighed, wanting nothing more than to follow her daughter to a different small town. Hidden from the father of her grandchild. Someone had to stay behind and pretend Caroline was in town for a few days so he wouldn't know that she had left. "Go now that they aren't conscious, call me when you are out of Virginia. Do not tell me where you are, Caroline."

"I won't, promise." Caroline hugged her mom goodbye and got in her car, with a final glance at her mother she drove off. Caroline couldn't believe that she was leaving Mystic Falls, college, her friends, her family. All for a child that she wasn't sure the father wanted, but it didn't matter she wanted the child. She glanced at the new identity, she had dyed her hair strawberry blonde and placed brown contacts on. She didn't have the luxury of compulsion but she had the luxury of her mother being a police officer letting her get a whole new identity. Caroline Forbes would have died in a car crash, she would be visiting her mother and had died. Margaret Smith, would be moving to an unknown town in Montana. She had a high school education and could afford two months of rent, which would help her get a waitress job or something. She drove for three days straight only stopping to refuel and feed her baby. Caroline started making stories and writing her cover stories down so she would not miss a thing and would not get anything wrong when asked multiple times to say her background.

Her name was Margeret Smith, she was 18 years old about to turn 19 when she found out she was pregnant. The father of her baby did not inform her that he was married and expecting a child, so she decided to leave town. She comes from a small town in Virginia, raised by a single parent. She never knew her father and resented her father for leaving her mother for someone younger than her. Not specifying gender. The father of her child didn't know of her pregnancy but whenever they talked about her potentially getting pregnant he would tell her that it would be best to get an abortion. She was a loner in high school and did not do well with crowds. Her grades were more important to her than socializing. Everyone used to compare her to her childhood friends that became cheerleaders and she cut ties with them. Her mother isn't alive anymore and she moved for the change of scenery.

Caroline thought long and hard about her background trying to find anything that could be questioned but figured that the dead parents would stop asking people too much. That is what happened with Stefan when he came to town, and Elena doesn't have to talk too much to people after she tells them about her parents. It is the best way to stop conversation, no one would dig into her past if she mentions that. She called her mom for the last time on her phone and informed her she was out of Virginia, and after saying her tearful goodbyes she threw the phone out of her car window. From now on she was alone, all because of Klaus. He would force her to terminate her pregnancy after all he already had an heir to his so called kingdom in New Orleans. The way he talked about Hayley and the unborn child sickened her. He made them seem unimportant like he would have them die for all he cared, making her wonder if he would see her and her child the same way. Caroline made that choice for Klaus, she could not have him reject her and her child. She would run and hide for the rest of their lives until he grew bored of her, which will be at any moment now that he had what he wanted from her. Caroline arrived in Georgia when she had the unfortunate run in with a person she hoped to never see again, Kol Mikaelson. After her friends tried to kill him-they failed as Klaus daggered him at the last moment-the wildest Mikaelson had disappeared from Mystic Falls after he was undaggered. Now he was standing outside her hotel room, with a giant smirk on his face. Caroline gathered up her courage trying to stop her pounding heartbeat. "Who are you? How may I help you?"

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