My Knight in shining armor ❤️💙

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Reki groans as he sits at his window and stares at the rising sun. He just couldn't sleep knowing he would meet his new personal guard today.

He doesn't need one, he's plenty strong on his own and can protect himself just fine, but his mother insisted on getting him one since he's the future king and all.

Head Knight Joe, his real name Kojiro but everyone calls him Joe, hand selected this guard for Reki too, so he knows he'll get along with him. The selection process was very rigorous, or so he's heard. He just wants to know who it is already!

A soft knock is heard at his door and Reki raises an eyebrow, "Who is it?"

"It's Joe." Joe responds, Reki quickly goes over to the door, opening it up excitedly. What perfect timing.

"I knew you would be up. Couldn't sleep eh?" Joe chuckles and ruffles up Reki's hair.

Reki huffs and fixes his hair and nods, "Yeah, I'm anxious to meet him."

"I think you two will get along fine, don't worry. Want to go meet him right now?" Joe asks and Reki nods excitedly.

"Yes! I want to go meet him!" Reki practically jumps up and down in excitement.

Joe chuckles at his reaction. "Alright kid, but maybe you shouldn't meet him in your pjs."

Reki looks down and blushes, realizing he's still in his pajamas, he quickly shuts the door and changes.

Joe laughs and waits for Reki. He knows these two are going to get along, they're opposites but also the same. Joe knows he made the right choice.

Reki soon comes out in his casual princely clothes and Joe leads him down to the stables where the new knight must be.

Once they enter Reki peaks behind Joe and sees a blue haired boy around his age feeding a horse. Though the boy is wearing light armor under his clothing as well has having a dagger and short sword on his belt, he's no doubt the new knight.

Joe walks over to the knight who salutes him. "Good Morning, Mr. Joe."

"Good morning, I want you to meet someone." Joe says, Reki popping out from behind him.

"Hi!" Reki waves excitedly and gets a good look at the boy in front of him. He has lean musicales, soft light blue hair, piercing blue eyes, Snow White skin, and a very handsome face. Reki couldn't help but blush as he makes eye contact with him.

"Hello." Langa bows a little, clearly he's not sure who Reki is and he loves that.

"Reki, this is Langa. Langa, this is Reki, you'll be protecting him from now on." Langa nods and kneels before Reki.

"I will protect you with my life." Langa swears and Reki blushes more, he didn't know this would be so embarrassing.

"Oh, you don't have to..Uhm anyway! I'm Reki! It's nice to meet you Langa! I'm sure we'll get along." Reki smiles brightly, blinding Langa with how happy the red haired boy is.

Langa nods, "Yes. I'm sure we will."

"Are you taking out this steed Langa?" Joe asks, Langa nods, standing and turning to him.

"Yes, I was going to take them out for a morning jog, is that okay?" Langa asks.

Joe shrugs, "It's fine with me, but you would have to ask Reki if it's okay, you are supposed to be with him at all times now, to protect him."

"Oh." Langa turns to Reki, "May I-"

Reki cuts him off before he really even gets a chance to speak, "Can I come with?! I never get to ride the horses!"

Langa blinks a couple of times before nodding. "Sure. I don't see the harm."

Reki grins and Joe leaves, leaving the two boys alone.

As Langa gets the horse ready, Reki asks lots of questions.

"How long have you been a knight?"

"Two years."

"Have you been training for long?"

"Started at a young age."

"Do you have any siblings?"


"Did you live anywhere before here?"

"In the mountains."

"Really?! That's so cool! Where in the mountains?"

"A small village."

"Really? Why did you come down here then?"

"To become a royal knight."

"Why did you want to become a royal night?"

"My father wanted to be one."

"Really? That's so cool! I hope I can meet your father one day!"

After that last comment Langa goes eerily silent. Reki frowns, "did I say something wrong?" He asks softly.

Langa shakes his head and helps Reki into the horse. "No. It's nothing."

Reki nods and watches as Langa gracefully gets on the horse, whips the reins, and control the horse with ease. Reki quickly wraps his arms around Langa's waist so he doesn't fall off and blushes as being able to feel his muscles.

The two of them speed off into the forest, Reki happily watching as everything whips by quickly, he loves going fast but he's never able to do it as it's "too dangerous for a prince."

Reki wonders if Langa knows he's the prince, he didn't put his crown on, he doesn't have to unless he goes outside the castle grounds or when special guests are over.

Reki holds into Langa a bit tighter as the horse jumps over a log.

A few minutes of running later the horse slows down to a brisk walk and Reki speaks, "Hey Langa, do you know I am?"

"I know your name." Langa says as he keeps his eyes ahead to watch for any danger.

"No, I mean do you know my status?"

"No. I do not. I just know I'm protecting you."

Reki smiles and snuggles into Langa's back, very happy. "Okay, I'd like to keep it that way."

Langa blushes lightly, not used to physical affection. "May I ask why?"

"Because you'll probably treat me different once you find out." Reki sighs.

Langa looks over his shoulder, "What if I pinky promise I won't?"

"Mm, maybe. But you'll have to find out on your own." Langa nods and the two lock pinkies, Langa smiles softly while Reki smiling brightly.

"You have a very pretty smile Langa." Langa's face heats up more and he looks away, clearing his throat.

"You have a very nice smile too, Reki." Reki face flushes but his smile gets even brighter. Langa needs some sunglasses.

"I really like you Langa. Think we can be friends?"

"Sure, I'd love to be your friend." Langa says softly and Reki happily hugs him.

Langa pauses for a moment before hugging him back. "You're the best Langa!" Reki yells out and Langa chuckles softly. Reki is very cute and excitable.

The two pull away when both their stomach growl at the same time. They look at each other then start laughing.

"Let's head back and get some breakfast." Reki says and Langa nods. Reki wraps his arms around Langa's waist again and the two speed off back towards the castle and eat breakfast together happily.

Man I haven't updated in a bit minute. Whelp, hope ya liked the story. Love prince au's lol
Maybe I'll do a Langa prince once next, we'll see.

Anyways, Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked the story, If there are any mistakes please tell me! And please tell me if you have any imput!

Once again, thank you so much for reading and have a great day!

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