Valentine's Day ❤️💙

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Reki's POV

It's the night before Valentine's Day and I decided I'm going to make chocolates for Langa! I hope I don't mess this up, maybe I should ask mom for help...

No! She can't know about my feelings for Langa! This has to be a secret, she wouldn't stop teasing me about it.

She would probably think I'm making Honmei Choco..which I am..but still! I don't want her to think that! I want her to think that I'm only making Tomo Choco.

Since Langa is new to Japan and it's culture I'm sure he won't know what the differences between the chocolates mean!

I know only girls really make chocolates but I want to do something for Langa, he probably won't be given any chocolates since he's new and quiet. I know from experience that being the only one not to be given chocolates is really depressing. I haven't ever been given chocolates on Valentine's Day.

I text Langa that I won't be at S today before sneaking to the kitchen once I know mom will be asleep.

What type of chocolates should I make? I could make Nama chocolates, but I kinda want to make cute little cat chocolates, I know mom has a mold around here somewhere...

After digging in the shelves a bit I eventually found it. I'll just make regular chocolates from him.

After a long while I finished making the chocolates. They're so cute, I hope Langa likes them. I really wish someone would give me cute chocolates like these one year... But it's ok! If Langa's happy then I'll be happy!

I pack up the chocolates and set them in the fridge while I clean up.

After I clean up I grab the chocolates to hide in my room. I turn around and see mom there.

"M-Mom!" I quickly hide the chocolates behind my back.

"What are you doing up this late Reki?"

"I-I Uhm, I was just getting some water..."

She looks at me suspiciously. "Alright...Well you should get to bed. You have school tomorrow."

"R-Right! Goodnight mom!" I quickly run out of the kitchen and to my room. That was a close call.

I hide the chocolates in my bag before laying in bed. My phone buzzes, did someone message me? I check it, there are a few messages from Langa. 

"Why aren't you going to S?"

"Do you feel bad?"

"Should I come over?"


I sigh, I'll explain in the morning.

I plug my phone in before going to sleep. I really hope Langa likes the chocolates...

~~The Next Day~~

I shut my alarm off and sit up. I got so little sleep, I'll probably fall asleep in class, again. I sigh and get ready.

I grab my phone and bag before heading out, I don't have time to eat breakfast. I run to the door with my skateboard, quickly putting on my shoes.

"Reki! Don't forget your bento!" Mom hurries over with my bento, I grab it and smile at her.

"Thanks mom!" I rush out the door.

"And good luck giving her chocolates!" I hear her call out, I blush. She knows..

I shake my head and skate to where me and Langa meet up. Should I give the chocolates to him now or at school? If I do it at school people might get the wrong idea.

God why am I getting so nervous?

Langa is already there, I take a deep breath and go over to home, smiling and waving as I always do.

"Langa!" He looks up from the ground and smiles at me.

"Reki!" We high five each other.

"Reki, why didn't you go to S last night?"

"Oh! Uhm, I was actually making you something.." I blush. Langa looks at me confused.

I get out the bag of chocolates and hold them out to him. "H-Happy Valentine's Day! Please accept these chocolates I made!"

Langa looks at the chocolates, blushing. He takes the chocolates and stares at them.

"Thank you Reki... Why did you make me chocolates?"

"Well, I didn't want to feel left out if you didn't get any chocolates.. So I thought I would make you some!"

"Reki... They're so cute. Thank you so much, you're the best." He smiles at me. I smile back.

Langa puts them in his bag for later, continuing to smile. It's cute.

We skate off to class together.


I can't believe Langa got so many chocolates! He got at least 10 this morning and he just got 5 more from some other girls! I look at the chocolates, I'm so jealous.

We grab our lunches and Langa's brings all his chocolates and we head up to the roof.

We sit and start eating, I sigh.

"Is something wrong Reki?"

"No, what are you going to do with all those chocolates?"

"I don't know. I don't think I can eat this many chocolates on my own. I guess I'll give some to mom... Do you want some Reki? You haven't gotten any chocolates yet."

"No. It's fine Langa, I'm used to not getting any chocolates."

"Just take some-"

"No, Langa. They're your choco-" while speaking Langa puts a chocolate on my mouth, I blush hard.

"Just eat it. I can't eat all of these by myself." I nod and eat the chocolate, it's really good. Much better than mine..

We ate chocolates and talked throughout lunch, it was really nice.

I could tell there were some girls spying on us, probably to see which chocolates Langa liked best.

~~End of the day~~

I sigh and flop onto my bed. Today was so tiring. My phone buzzes, it's probably Langa asking if I'm going to S.

"The chocolates were delicious Reki. Thank you."

I smile and message back.

"Glad you like them! See you at S?"


I'm so glad Langa likes the chocolates. I bet his face was so cute when he ate them...gosh I have it so bad for him. I can't wait to see him at S.

Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you liked this story! Comment if you'd like! I love reading your guys comments

Will you guys want a part two where they go to S?

Thank you once again for reading and have a great day/night!

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