Calm down 💚💖

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Warning: F slur and Ad*m

Joe's POV

It was a pretty normal day at S, I was hanging around some girls, Langa and Reki were talking together, Miya is talking with them.

Actually, I think Miya is more third wheeling, I kind of feel bad for the kid. It seems that Langa and Reki aren't the lovey-dovey type so I guess it isn't so bad. I know it was hella annoying when Adam and Cherry flirted with each other back in high school.

Shadow is here, he's being... Shadow and Cherry are hanging back, being as cool as ever.

Man, I wish me and him didn't bicker all the time at S, but what can I do. He wanted some sort of cover up so no one would guess we were dating.

I smile and talk with the girls but occasionally glance at Cherry, just to make sure he's ok.

About halfway into the night, Adam shows up. I hate that guy. I don't see why Cherry admired him so much. Adam, being an overdramatic arrogant bitch, comes down in a helicopter.

Both me and Cherry roll our eyes at this. But before anything else happens, Cherry goes over to Adam.

"Adam! I challenge you to a beef!" Cherry says with such confidence.

"Hmm? And why should I beef with you?" Adam says, turning to Cherry.

"Because I will beat you this time."

"What are you willing to put on the line?"

"Myself." People gasp. I gasp, Kaoru never told me anything about this! Why would he put up himself?!

"And why would I want you? You're boring." Cherry fan club gasps. Adam starts to walk away, I get angry along with his fan and shake off the girls hanging on my arms.

That bastard! He just showed up and told Kaoru he was boring?!

I run over and grab Adam, spinning him around and picking him up by his collar.

"Take that back right now!"

"Why should I? It's the truth.~"

"No it's not! Cherry is amazing! He is a great skater and person! He's way better than you in every way!"

I pull my hand back, getting ready to punch this bastard for insulting my Kaoru. But I feel someone put their hands on mine. I look and I see Kaoru, both of his hands are on mine. He's looking at me with his soft, cute eyes.

"Joe, it's ok. Don't hurt him."


"Let him go Joe. This isn't worth it." I hesitate but nod. Slowly putting Adam down.

"Aww~ You're listening to your little boyfriend, how cute." Adam teases. I glare and growl at him a bit, Kaoru softly squeezes my hand to calm me down.

"What? Are you scared to admit to your adoring fans that you're taken? Or is it something else? Are you embarrassed by him?~ Tell me Joe, why have you two kept that secret for 8 years?" People are whispering and murmuring, this is getting bad..

"Why would I be embarrassed by him?! He's amazing!" I can't lie, Kaoru is amazing in more ways than one.

"Then why haven't you told anyone?" Adam asks with his stupid smirk.

"That's- Because Uhm..." Shit, I can't throw Kaoru under the bus. Adam would call him a coward and he is not a coward.

"Is it because you're scared? Scared that no one will want to be friends with a fag?"

I growl more. Kaoru holds me back.

"That's enough. We're not talking about our private lives here. Let's go Joe." Kaoru states as he drags me away, I follow obediently. If Kaoru doesn't want something he makes it pretty obvious.

"Following his master, just like a good mutt." I hear Adam say. I growl a bit and clench my fist. Why did Kaoru stop me? That bastard deserves to get punched in the face.

I feel Kaoru let go of my hand when we get to a more private part of the S track.

"Kaoru I-" before I could finish Kaoru's lips are on mine. I close my eyes and rest my hands on his hips, his arms snake their way around my neck. He's so small when we're like this, and his lips are so soft. I relax, it's crazy how comfortable and at ease I feel around him.

A few seconds later he pulls away, speaking before I can say anything.

"Thank you Kojiro, for defending me."

"Well what type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" I smile down at him. I can't tell but I bet he's blushing under his mask.

"Let's go home." That's surprising, normally he wants to say longer.


"Yeah, I don't feel too well, think you can cheer me up?~"

I blush and smirk. "Oh I'll cheer you up all right.~" I pick him up bridal style and skate back home with him in my arms.

Thank you so much for reading this! I hoped you liked it!

I would love to know your guy's opinion on the story or what you think I should improve on! Or even what you would like to see more of!

Thank you once again for reading and I hope you have a great day/night!

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